I M(16)have been with this girl(16) for about 3-4 weeks we are long distance so we talk over text FaceTime etc but recently whenever we text it has just been me opening my phone to see a giant rant or vent that she sends me every single time I hate to say that it’s annoying or tell her that it bothers me a bit because at the start of our relationship that was her biggest fear that I would get annoyed with her and I don’t wanna make her mad but at the same time she’s very emotional and it’s hard to bring stuff up without her crying I just don’t know what to do at this point the only thing that she does all day is rant to me ask me how my day went then rant some more and everytime I vent to her she says sorry you have to deal with that or something like that then 5 minutes later she’s back at it again and sometimes she like will just keep texting me after I tell her I’m going to bed like she treating me less like a partner and more like a therapist and I get that partners need to be there for one another but that’s all she talks about is her issues and I try to help her with them but I can’t really it’s just a lot

TLDR:my gf only vents to me and treats me like a therapist more than a partner

  1. Suggest she sees a therapist. There’s nothing wrong with going. Just tell her that you don’t feel equipped to help her the way she needs it and her constant venting is effecting your mental health.

    Periods, commas and paragraphs are awesome things 😜

  2. She sounds pretty negative. Even if she’s horribly depressed she should still have good things to talk about.

    In a relationship you shouldn’t be afraid of making them mad. You should be able to tell your partner how you honestly feel about this issue without her being so mad that you’re afraid of her.

    Be blunt with her. Tell her you want to be there for her when she needs you but the majority of your conversations shouldn’t be negative. If she either gets mad at you for that or doesn’t comply then just break up.

  3. Woman gossip that’s how they communicate, your essentially complaining how woman talk. Woman solve their problems by talking about them until they figure out the answer. Welcome to dating my guy.

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