About a month ago I went to visit my brother for a weekend in Scotland. We went for a night out and I met a girl. We hit it off straight away. One thing led to another and she left with me then things got intimate. This is only the 2nd girl I’ve been with after almost a 4 year drought lol.

Since I live in London and she lives in Scotland I couldn’t arrange a date. So I just had to rely on texting and phone calls to get to know her. After a couple weeks of talking her replies started to get quite inconsistent and she eventually stopped replying to my texts. I could sense she was losing interest at this point. However, after a couple days of us not talking I stupidly sent her a drunk text expressing how much I like her. She did find it funny though but then didn’t reply to my text after that.

Ever since things ended between us I haven’t been able to stop thinking about and her it’s frustrating me. When I’m doing work, working out, reading etc she just pops into my head. How do I stop thinking about her?

  1. Date someone, my friend. That will help. And stop idealizing people, most people are really not that great 🙂

  2. I think ur head is a lil fuzzy because she’s the 2nd girl you’ve been with in a while and you liked her personality and obviously her looks. I think you might have just read too much into it- to her it was probably a one night fling with an out of towner. I agree with what someone else said, you’re idealizing her because you really don’t know her that well. It’s super easy to do that with people you don’t see or talk to often because you’re kinda able to take the little great interaction you had, run with it and create this narrative of them probably being better than they actually are. Just come to terms with the fact that she’s probably not everything that you’re thinking she is in your head and get back out into the dating world !

  3. I think in these situations men think the woman doesnt like them when in reality she probably just thinks you are boring. you have to do things outside of the box so to speak. Call some days face time some days ignore her sometimes. See what im getting at. . . .you want to be mysterious to her.. When someone is intimate with you always assume they really like you. Even if maybe they dont.

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