I (24m) have been invited to a bridal shower for one of my longtime friend’s older sister, and it happens to be the same day as our city’s Pride parade and festival. The RSVP for the shower was at the beginning of this month and I didn’t officially send one in, but casually let my friend (she’s the MOH) know that it was the same day as Pride, which I go to every year, but I should be able to stop by to visit the party(at a winery 30 mins from downtown). Fast forward to now, and both my parents, as well as my brother/his kids, expressed interest in going to the parade and festival with me to celebrate. With me being gay, I think it is super sweet that they have an interest in going to Pride with me, especially since it may be the last year I live around them, but it would directly cover the time of the bridal shower. Would it be selfish if I told my friend I couldn’t make it to her sister’s bridal shower this upcoming weekend to go to Pride with my family? I would still go to her wedding and buy a gift of course, but I just don’t know if it is rude to miss bridal showers. Looking for some advice.

1 comment
  1. Obvious answer here: no, you’re not selfish. The bridal shower is for your **friend’s sister.** Not your friend. Explain it the way you wrote in your post…that this may be the last time you can celebrate this with your family and its important to you. Offer to send a gift in lieu of your attendance.

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