About a week ago I got to know this girl, and basically she is the first girl I ever fell for this hard. First time we spoke she took my “CV” started asking me questions, to which I answered, I also tried to make her laugh and that worked out really well. The next day she texted me “Oh goodmorninnnng” so I replied goodmorning how are you, she said she’s fine etc… Since I didn’t really get that much time to know her, the next day I texted her By the way next time we talk it will be my turn to take your CV, trying to keep it in a kind of jokingly fun way. A day later I texted her a compliment in a funny cheesy way and she vibed with it. I then asked her a bit about herself and so and so. We texted for a while and then a question I asked her led her to remembering stuff that happened in a past relationship. So when I asked if she wanted to talk about it she kinda avoided it. I was cool with it after all someone you just met you wouldn’t just go around telling everything about your life to them. A while later I started noticing her texts where a little off, she didn’t give me her same vibe. So I asked her is everything okay. She told me she was tired. My sherlock ass instead of asking her what is tiring u, I told her I can see that but I feel like something else has happened something that is probably unpleasant. But I really can’t say much after all we only spoke once and I really have no right to pry in your life, I added. So she texted back saying “Shall we talk tomorrow sugar” I replied sure let’s talk. Tomorrow comes she texts me hiiiiii so I reply hi how are you, she said she’s dying of tiredness so I asked her what is tiring you and she didn’t really reply. Next day I text her “let’s talk today I will be free in around 3 hours”. She replied “okay sugar when your free let’s have a call” so I texted her when I was done, she called we spoke for a while made her laugh a bit and it turned into a video call. So we spoke a bit, then she asked for opinion about a way some dude treated her, I told her my pov made her sorta feel reassured that she shouldn’t feel bad and so. Then we talked for a while, gossiped about a friend we both know, made faces to each other and I complimented her eyes and her beauty. I am still unable to figure if she sees me as a potential friend or a potential partner. Help pls. Also sorry bout the long story here is a 🥔

  1. Just ask her out to some fun activity you’re both into, or even on a coffee date! Problem solved!

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