Besides the groin, which body part is the worst to get injured and why?

  1. The place between the ball of your foot and the toe pad — the lonely spot where Legos always find their way to crush your soul.

  2. For me it’s the shin or elbow. Something that you don’t constantly use but when you do it reminds you with sheer pain…

  3. Probably eyes BUT I’ll say the nose because I broke mine which caused 2 black eyes somehow.

  4. The fucking knee’s, boys. That shit doesn’t go away and turns out a lot of fun lifestyles require healthy knees 😂

  5. A friend once broke her tailbone ice skating when she was younger. She still has chronic pain from that experience after thirty years. very little blood flows to that particular part of the body so it stands to reason that the recovery time was substantial. She is a lovely woman, but her body is completely racked with pain and that makes it hard for her to get any doctor to address it. however she has no problem getting narcs for her pain and if she is having a bad day EVERY BODY is going to suffer.

  6. For me it’s been tailbone. Took something like 3-4 months before I could sit comfortably for over 15 minutes. Still struggle with it being uncomfortable to sit for long periods of time over a decade later.

  7. Once you screw up your back life is never the same. And it’s easy to do.

  8. Fingers. We do everything with our hands and breaking or losing a digit (especially thumb) is both painful and debilitating. I broke a finger and only got back ~50% mobility. That’ll be with me forever. Would have been less painful to lose it.

  9. Back. Virtually every physical thing you do involves your back in some way and when it’s injured, even a tiny bit of movement will cause pain.

  10. Teeth suck to lose, had to have all mine pulled at 29/30.

    You never realize how much you miss them until their gone.

  11. Broken Zygomatic arch is really excruciating. Broken femur wasn’t fun either.

  12. I would have to go with ribs. Hurts to move or breathe, laugh, cough or sneeze. Hurts to lie down, hurts to get up. Just frickin hurts.

    I would put tailbone a very close second.

  13. Anything involving your sciatic nerve. If you injure that nerve in any real way, it will feel almost exactly like you got shot in the leg. Your leg will feel like a hot leaden mass of agony.

  14. Your back. I’ve been dealing with back and hip pain for a while and just want to run into traffic a lot of days.

  15. Brain damage can kill you while leaving your body still alive and some other schmuck in it instead.

    It’s pretty serious stuff.

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