Why is clingyness seen as bad?

  1. Because a mentally healthy person should be confident and independent. A person in a relationship is of course not expected to be completely so. But being too clingy shows a lack of independency.

  2. Because it’s not a healthy trait to have and is extremely emotionally exhausting for the other person.

  3. It’s restrictive and doesn’t respect boundaries. If everyone involved wants the same level of closeness, then it’s not clingy. If it’s being described as clingy, then someone is overstepping.

  4. If one partner is more clingy than the other, that’s a problem and both could end up feeling resentful. A good relationship finds a balance between spending time together and being apart.

  5. It is a sign of immaturity. Children are “clingy” to their caretakers because they would not survive on their own, as people grow and mature, they stop depending on other people to fulfill all of their needs.

  6. Because people need space and they need to know that their partner will be OK when they are not around.

  7. It’s kind of a spectrum. I don’t want a partner who is so detached that I feel like they don’t want to be around me, but at the same time, I don’t want someone who is so attached that I feel bad when doing anything on my own. Mentally healthy people usually fall somewhere in the middle.

  8. Because it’s suffocating, restrictive, immature, unhealthy and (in my experience) eventually leads to controlling and manipulative behaviour.

  9. You mean why is not respecting other peoples boundaries bad? Gee, it’s a mystery

  10. Idk in okay with clingy guys but if they take up your personal space and start to get abusive with it , that’s something I dont want

  11. As they say, too much of a good thing can be bad.

    Wanting to be close to your partner isn’t bad, but clinginess is seen as an excessive need for closeness that others may find overwhelming and demanding. Similarly, being independent is good, but being so independent you refuse to rely on others or push away their attempts to get close can also be limiting.

    But I think it’s important to remember that what people consider clingy behavior can be subjective. One person might find it annoying if you call them everyday, another might not care. Always respect the boundaries of others, but remember to respect yourself too. Respecting yourself and others means you might have to adjust your behavior within your relationships, but it could also mean leaving behind relationships where you’re incompatible.

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