For context, I have diagnosed anxiety and depression which I take meds for. I do overthink things a lot and I feel like this is one of them but I just can’t shake it and need to get an outside opinion.

I’m from the northeast, he’s from the Midwest. We live in Texas. We met 2 years ago and currently live together.

I’m at a point in my life where I think a lot about my future. The issue is, I don’t think I want to live back near my parents in their hometown, I just want to be *closer* to them eventually. I also am not a fan of Texas in general so living somewhere on the east coast would be nice (closer to beaches, a quicker flight to my family and even perhaps a long drive.) I’m also not saying I want to move this year or next, but in 5-7 years yeah.

My boyfriend has made it clear he *does not* want to move near his family, so it’s good that is out of the question. But whenever I bring it up, he tells me he doesn’t want to move and he likes it in Texas so far, (he’s only been here 2 years, I’ve been here for 3.)

He *did* get a really good job that brought him here, so I’m assuming he is just thinking of the immediate future and doesn’t even fathom thinking 5-10 years ahead. Whereas for me, I think about the future all the time.

Again, I’m not wanting to specifically move to the north east per-say (however I would be open to it as I’m open to anything really especially if I’m with the person I love) but I just see myself not being a 4 hour flight or 26 hour drive away from my family when I have kids, etc.

So I’d say that’s my issue: I don’t want to stay in Texas forever but I don’t really even know where I *do* see myself living… I just get anxious about it

For him, he seems to be set on Texas for now, but I am really thinking it’s because he’s only been here for 2 years and has the job opportunity of his dreams so he’s just not able to think that far ahead.

Anyway, I could just use some insight. I do love him and I just wish he was as open minded as I am about moving at some point. But also, I’m trying to live in the moment and take our relationship and life as it goes. And when this conversation *actually* is pressing, that’s when we’d tackle it.

TLDR; I don’t want to stay long term in the state I live in now, but unsure where I even see myself. I just know I see myself back closer to the east coast. Boyfriend doesn’t even seem ready to talk about these conversations and makes it seem like he doesn’t want to leave Texas. He doesn’t have family here, just a job of a lifetime.

  1. >he likes it in Texas

    >I also am not a fan of Texas

    Any plans on getting married? It would be wise to consider how long, with or without your bf, you are willing to stay in Texas. You don’t want to find out in 2 years after a wedding and a baby that he is never leaving Texas.

  2. Incompatibility. I broke up with one of my ex for this reason. It was about moving to dif country or traveling a lot more than he liked. Dude was stubborn on never going anywhere.

    You either compromise OP or find someone else who has similar goals. This gonna lead to resentment just wait

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