I (F24) found a bump on my labia Majora last week, only one bump no others. Didn’t have a white head on it or anything and can’t even see it unless the skin is pulled or stretched. I do shave that area usually and I’m not sure if it’s in extremely ingrown hair or a cyst. But I was feeling it and messing with it and pus ended up coming out as well as a bit of blood and clear liquid. The bump doesn’t hurt or anything either and I still do not see a white head and no other bumps have formed either. I messaged my doctor about it and am waiting for advice on what to do. I get tested every 3-4 for STD’s/STI’s and I came back clean last time. So do I tell my partner(38M) about this ?

  1. If you’re concerned about it, talk to him. Get tested again. It’s probably nothing, but a test will help clear up any worries.

  2. If you wear tight pants or anything that rubs against or compresses your groin, it’s most likely a blood blister. I used to get tons of them as a teen and early 20s. They’re pretty common and not, as far as I know, related to any STIs.

  3. It sounds like an ingrown hair or a pimple. I see no reason to say anything.

  4. Could be a Bartholin Cyst? They form on the labia when the bartholin glands get clogged (kinda like blackheads or pimples) but can be caused by anything from tight clothes, hormonal BC, heat, or just appear randomly.

    They usually stay small like pimples and boils but are generally further under the skin so they don’t have white heads and tend to either pop or go away on their own. (Not always though so if it is reoccurring, painful, or seems like its getting bigger definitely see a Dr if you suspect you may have one.)

    They’re actually really common but most don’t really tend to know what they are.

  5. Maybe a Bartholin Cyst! They are very common and can be caused by anything. I get on on my inner labia maybe once every year or so. Sometimes you don’t notice them unless you’re feeling around and then sometimes they actually puff up and hurt, and eventually burst. Which they will expell blood and pus!

  6. You should wait for what the doctor has to say if its nothing serious you can or cannot tell your partner about it, it should be fine both ways, just make sure you are healthy & fine

  7. In general it’s healthy for the relationship to openly communicate with your partner. If the roles were reversed would you want to know?

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