Which commonly used jokes reek of thinly veiled misogyny to you?

  1. Any period or PMS jokes. We get it. You think hormones affect our moods drastically. Move on.

  2. All those wedding cake toppers with the groom being dragged down the aisle by the bride.

    Hurr durr woman tricked man into marriage!

    As if marriage has ever been for the benefit of women lmao

  3. the “girls vs boys” memes, girls with a time machine, girls locker room, girls with autism, etc

    the whole point is “girls are boring”

  4. I was hanging out with a boyfriend and some friends. We got on the topic or kids. My boyfriend said “I’m not touching them till they’re out of diapers”. Everyone chuckled.

    But that’s how some men really think. It was so casually misogynistic.

  5. Jokes that start with “white girls when they…” especially if the joke is made by a white man. They use the word white to make it acceptable to say something misogynistic under the guise of making a point about race.

    (There are some jokes where there is a genuine point being made about white women’s position in feminism and intersectionality but this is rarely the case)

  6. I find Karen jokes very misogynistic esp “male Karen” like no they’re just shitty entitled people no need to apply gendered name to it

  7. Guys logical vs women irrational humor.

    I’ve met a significant number of irrational men.

  8. This stupid jokes about telling women to “Just calm down” and then poking fun at how the frustration and anger escalates.

    This is also thrown around in a lot of memes (e.g., The gif of the rock tossed into the washing machine with the text: *Me when I tell my wife / girlfriend to calm down*)

    Gaslighting women by dismissing their valid emotions, opinions, and means of expression is insulting, but sadly happens *way* too often in reality.

  9. The sandwich jokes, the dishwasher jokes, it’s not thinly veiled at all, it’s blatant and it’s literally the most unfunny crap.

  10. I used to have a teacher who would always say “your lucky your pretty “ like a joke he was just calling me stupid and being a creep at the same time

  11. Any joke where you make fun of feminine men.

    The idea is that a guy who acts feminine and looks more feminine is somehow less masculine, is weaker, is gay, etc etc. And it’s rooted in “feminine people are weaker naturally.” Thus, misogyny. Also a dash of homophobia and transphobia.

    So remember that every time you laugh automatically when a man wears a dress or sings a song by a female artist, that your second reaction should be asking yourself: _why are you laughing_?

    You might be part of the problem.

    Bonus points for:
    – any joke that says that beautiful women are dumb, and can’t be smart
    – any time any woman gets a bonus, promotion, etc and the reaction is “who’d you sleep with?”
    – that beautiful women can’t have muscles, or muscular women are gross
    – a really smart woman who looks average loses credibility because she doesn’t “put effort into her appearance”
    – white knighting
    – “she doesn’t know it yet but I’ll wear her down eventually”
    – jokes that say the woman of a relationship is hotter than the guy and she’s “too good” for her
    – “girl boss” anything

    I mean honestly the list goes on for infinity.

  12. Those “I hate my wife” jokes that some men do

    Or the ones where it’s suggested the woman is crazy in the marriage

  13. In india, all the jokes are about how the wives control their husband and make their life living hell but tbh its the actual opposite…

  14. I had a guy friend who would look at his wife from afar and say “that right there, That’s prime breeding material”

    Then if anyone in the group got upset he would just claim he was joking…..

    I told his wife

    She rolled her eyes and sighed

    I don’t think that was the first time she had heard about that coming from him….

    Which I think makes it worse

  15. Any time a man “jokes” by calling a woman “woman”

    I.e. a small gathering of friends when a husband “jokes” to his wife “go fetch me a beer, woman!”

  16. Whenever i say i wanna twitch stream and my guy friends automatically joke and say it’s easy for me to pull numbers because all i gotta do is dress with my titties and ass on display. I don’t wanna sexualize myself to get an audience. I want my personality to get me an audience, not my body and men need to stop acting every woman wants to do that

  17. All the jokes about the wife being in charge.

    Happy wife happy life

    She’s the boss!

    She’s always right and even if I’m right she is still right.

    I just feel like the same people making those jokes are also talking about babysitting their kids and surviving off PB&J if their wife goes out of town. It paints the woman as domineering, rigid, strict and a nag while the man is the goofy fun and easygoing one. It just reinforces that women are responsible for all the kid and house stuff and that hetero partnerships aren’t really equal and women feel like they can’t just relax and have fun as well.

    And then it’s just one more step to all that ball and chain shit.

  18. I dont want daughters cause they get emotional after a heartbreak like.. i have never seen a girl punch a wall after a breakup but alright

  19. The #boymom crap. Oh, it’s so tough being a #boymom, because they like playing in the dirt, they’re messy, they laugh at farts, they fight like crazy, they ruin everything, but it’s okay because they say they love you!

    Firstly, girls like all that stuff, too.
    Secondly, boys can like dolls, princesses, flowers, and quiet play (reading, painting, puzzles, etc.)
    Thirdly, don’t reinforce the shitty belief that just because they say they love you or give you a hug, they can be dismal human beings. When they’re young, sure. But I’ve met multiple #boymoms who talk about their 10+ y/o with “He’s such a boy. He trashed the house last weekend, and ate his sisters birthday cake, but I as soon as I start trying to tell him off, he just says “I love you, mom” and I can’t stay mad at him.”

  20. Not so much a “joke”, but when men call eachother ” a little bitch” or a “pussy”.

    Yeah anything female is gross and weak. 👍 Got it, bruh.

  21. “HaVe U eVeR bEeN kIcKeD iN tHe BaLls?”

    Its okay Harald. Ur pain lasts for maybe 10 minutes, I have to suffer for 7 whole days when this shitty organ decides to shed.

  22. Jokes about how men are incompetent around the house. Having a uterus did not imbue me with magic cleaning powers, and not having one does not make you dependent on me to take care of you.

    You’re an adult. Learn how to perform basic life skills.

  23. Anything talking about vaginas and their “beef curtains.” Not only does it hurt as a fellow roastie, but it makes me feel self conscious. It’s also anatomically inconsiderate.

  24. Jokes about how some girl is going to end up being a stripper because her dad was shitty. It’s a double whammy. A woman is defined by the man in her life, so of course she’s going to be worthless unless her dad molds her into something of value. And sex work is not a valid job because… no fucking idea on that part. Cause mostly women do it I guess.

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