I’m not sure what else to do. I (F, 23) met someone (M, 22 probably) while visiting a friend this month and I think he’s my ideal type, and could tell he were also really into me. Unfortunately I got too drunk and ended up crying profusely about my future and not knowing what I wanted to do, leading to his friends (who I had also just met) comforting me. They were all really sweet about it, even though he didn’t say anything. When walking home, I held onto his arm the whole walk and he was very sweet about it, but then I tried to awkwardly drunkenly kiss him at the end of the night and he rejected me, I think because I was too drunk to know what I was doing and it was just a very weird moment/thing for me to do.

His friend who I was visiting, however, accused me of stealing her boyfriend even though I was interested in her friend (not her boyfriend) and kicked me out of her house the next day. I’m not sure what she told him (her friend) happened, she messaged me acting like everything was normal, so I doubt she told him that I was trying to steal her boyfriend.

Ever since, I have constantly been thinking about him and have the urge to add him on social media and message him asking to see him again. I know this a bit is awkward and weird, but I just don’t know what to do and these feelings are overwhelming me. I’m sure that if my friend hadn’t kicked me out, I would’ve been able to speak to him the next day and we’d be texting right now, because he did seem to be into me. I just want to give this a shot since I’m leaving the country soon forever and just want to be with him for a bit, but I feel slightly irrational about this whole thing.

Should I reach out to him and add him on social media? Would that be too weird? Or should I at least try, if these feelings are consuming me?

Edit: I know he was into me because we flirted quite a lot during the night, and he couldn’t keep his eyes off of me and held on to me as we walked home. We also have a lot of similar interests which is why I’m so into him.

  1. Little weird honestly, he barely knows you, you barely know him. I don’t think he was interested either

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