This has happened on many occasions in the year we’ve been together and it’s honestly frustrating sometimes.

She’ll tease me throughout the day. Whether it be with little touches here and there or even flirty texts and sexting.

Not even ten minutes can go by and she’s completely different. She’s not responding to any of my touches or anything I try to do to intitiate.

Sometimes I feel like I’m being teased with no payoff for nothing. I get aroused and then get absolutely nothing of it.

I’m not saying she owes my absolutely anything. I will never progress with something if she’s not comfortable and she knows that.

I can’t help but get frustrated sometimes. I don’t know if it’s something I’m doing or what but I wanna talk about it with her. I just need to figure out how to bring it up to her without blaming her for anything.

  1. “Hey, I really love when you flirt with me and tease me. But it tends to feel like when I go to respond you completely shut off, which leaves me feeling pretty confused and a little hurt. I’m curious if I’m not supposed to reciprocate in these moments?”

  2. Feels like she might be anxious when it comes to receiving flirting. Have you two been intimate?

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