Lets say you live on your own, and you make 50k€ annually. What would you get as total spendable net money at the end of the year in your country?

  1. About 35.5K euros. (Includes student loan repayments and assumes no pension contributions)

  2. Well that would be like 5x the average wage here(net).

    People never care or talk about gross really.

    Anyway 50k € gross is 35633.63 € net, according to gross/net wage calculator.

  3. Assuming a monthly gross wage of €4 167, net would be €2 501,82/month or €30 021,84/year. This is an approximation, I also came across a calculator that said €21 040/year. With the former you’ll probably not get a lot back from your taxes at the end of the year, with the latter you probably will.

  4. €32k annual net according to some calculator online

    Roughly accurate, that said ive never found them to be totally 100% accurate.
    Im on €45k now and my monthly net take home is slightly more than the calculator said it would be.

  5. Assuming no pension contributions etc €37839.51 based on the new tax year beginning in April.

  6. That is so much money.

    I make around 1250 a month which means which is 15k a year.

    So if the 50k is after taxes and healthcare and social.

    I would save around 40k a year.

  7. That’s slightly below average salary so taxes aren’t that high. I started at average and was paying 28% so assume a percent less that needs up being around 36.5k.

  8. Assuming 50 000 bruto in a year would be 4167 bruto a month

    so 3214 neto a month so adds up to **38 568** neto a year.
    A.k.a. this has all the taxes and pension contributions etc removed.

    (worth noting, that our median salary is ca 1300 and average is ca 1550, so 4000+ is crazy, a common *high* salary among the educated is 2000 bruto)

  9. Monthly 4167€ gross would be 3078€ net per month aka that 50 000€ annually would come to 36 936€. That’d be a shitload here though (in fact top 5%), for reference I make around 26 500€ gross annually, coming to around 21 500€ net and that’s above median.

  10. Assuming you don’t have kids the net annual salary in Spain would be 35.796,6€

  11. You would have to pay 37.1% over it but would be able to grt a lot of benefits so probably actually close to 25%

  12. According to the official gross-net calculator it would be:
    – €33,800 per year
    – €2,350 per month
    – and €2,820 for the 13th and €2,780 for the 14th pay check

    Austria has a system where you get paid 14 times a year, 12 normally and a 13th in June and 14th in December that are taxed lower

  13. I’d pay around 11% pension etc. And around 2’000-3’000 taxes for the whole year. and around 250-350 health insurance a month. if i live alone, around 1’000 rent. so not that much, life is expensive.

  14. If you count income tax that’s the [39% bracket](https://taxsummaries.pwc.com/slovenia/individual/taxes-on-personal-income), you would be left with 30500 euro so 2542 eur a month.

    However there’s also some tax relief for residents but I have no idea how you calculate that

    Edit: However if that would be one euro less, 33% so 33500, basically 2792 euro

    However I’m not sure how vacation money are counted (regres) – that’s technically also in income, and the max a company can give you untaxed is the (median/medium?) wage in the country for that year (usually around 1700 euro)

  15. Oh damn. Would tax alot of that. Earning about 30K anually atm and those i get to keep 20K approx. Not including rent. Remove another 10K of that on rent.

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