How did you find your calling in life?

  1. I died – I left the shore and waded out into the shallows and there I started to swim out to sea. I explored that vastness and there I found the snake that had been ruling over me – my base animal urge – there in a far away land I slayed it – I regained my honour – my concious control over my body and mind.

    I became a true man.

    Fearless – coz I killed that which deceived me.

    Now I am free

    I feel everyman should be free too.

  2. Not right away, I ended up jumping around from one thing to another (job/classes/trades), it came down to what am I good at, what kind of bullshit can I put up and most importantly, what will be in demand without it being automated in the near to mid future.

    Sometimes it’s just being practical. I hope this helps

  3. Always knew my calling was with the outdoors, pursued a degree in biology because of it. Realized very quickly that jobs for ecology/conservation and such are minuscule and the money isn’t there. Transitioned to pharmaceuticals with good pay and so much PTO. I use that PTO and money to pursue my calling which is hunting/ finishing/ land management/ enjoying what I consider “real life” which is nature

    Not sure how I found it, but the big kicker for me was hunting with my dad at 10 years old. Most nostalgic period of my life

  4. What if our calling is to enjoy everything/whatever we want in life, switching hobbies or topics until we get bored,master them, or die?
    Anyway, like someone else said, shrooms or LSD.

  5. Stumbled into it. I studied post grad biology. Had a holiday job working at a sawmill. Ended up taking a permanent job as gap filler. Eventually I was running the sawmill.

    Now I’m a general manager of a LVL manufacturing business. My calling? Developing people. It’s all about the team

  6. Fell into it on a whim cause I needed a job. My sister suggested I substitute. I did that for three years, then landed a teaching job, and besides one year I’ve been teaching ever since

  7. If you are doing something you don’t enjoy and you see something you think you would like to do, just go after it 100%. Don’t let anything stand in your way. Figure out how to do what you want

  8. I quit doing drugs (20 years clean now) and realized I understood engines more than I did people

  9. Completely and oddly by pure chance. I got hooked on the music from the second *Pirates of the Caribbean* film, discovered I could play by ear, and then the former minister heard me ‘playing’ the organ after church one day and suggested I take lessons. It’s all history from there, fourteen years ago.

    Something about Zimmer’s music moved me a lot, especially seeing the emotion that Davy Jones put into his playing. It led me to develop a passion for the organ, and then from there Bach and other Baroque composers.

  10. When I was enjoyed 2 accounts payable jobs and hated 3 finance assistant jobs which made me understand than being an accountant is not for me.

  11. I saw a documentary about how bad the life of soldiers are in a war zone and I felt drawn into it so yeah I wanna go to the army

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