Not sure if this is just around by me but a 4 pack of lager is now glued together rather than the plastic holders, which I support as less plastic and wildlife can get trapped in a them.

However, they are so tightly glued together it makes me feel like the cans are going to rip open when I pull them apart.

  1. There is a technique, took me a while to figure it out.

    Peel off the handle, one end should lift easily, then split the four pack in half from top to bottom, they will be glued to allow this. Then when you have 2 x 2 packs, roll the cans away from each other, all nice smooth not gonna drop it movements.

  2. Not really.

    I would hope that the glue they are using is not stronger than the aluminium it is adhered to.

  3. I’ve never seen this. What brand is it? The beer I buy is packed in a cardboard box.

  4. You are not going to rip apart a pressurised can that designed to withstand a load of punishment and pressure.

  5. Oh i totally get you. When i got them home i was honestly worried I’d rip them apart. I know it seems silly to anyone who hasn’t tried them but they are seriously glued together.

  6. I did this last week.

    Went to tear a can off. It was absolutely solid and eventually, it just ripped a hole in the can and the floor and myself got covered.

    Won’t be buying again

  7. I’m not a fan because I’m worried I’ll give it too much welly and I’ll accidentally thrown one of the cans. Grolsch comes with a cardboard keeper togetherer, which I like.

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