If you don’t mind share your story of how did you met your spouse/partner. I’m just kindda in the mood of want to read how did you met your partner story, please share! TIA!

I guess I go first, please skip the below if you not want to read rambling, I’m just chatty, lol. But please share yours!



Long term marriage. Met my husband over a decade ago, never parted a single day since.

We lived in the same neighborhood, his apartment was 5 min within walking distance from my apartment.. We first were acquaintance. I guess he noticed me first, because he purposely chose the public stairs that closest to my apartment, quietly sit there and wait for me. Day by day gone by whenever he back from work or have the freetime, he would come back to this same stairscase wait and wait. Alot of patience. And when he saw me walk by, he just stood up STARE and STARE at me. Day by day was like this, the stares and the quietly waited outside my stairscase. he such a love-idiot, lol.

He never come near my door or bother me. He just quietly sit outside the stairs to wait for me. In cold weather of winter time, he still came back to this same staircase sit and wait for me.. He confessed that he wants to get to know me more. So he choose the public staircase closest to my apartment to sit outside and wait, hope to see me when I came home. This was some Determination.

Then we became friends. So many nights he carried me on his back (he piggyback me) and walked slowly around the neighborhood and talk. Many times when he carried me on his back walk slowly, and he said things weird things like: “He just wants to carry me on his back like this, he wants this moment to never passed. So he can be by my side. So he doesn’t have to find ways to see me, find ways to bump into me. So he doesn’t have to sit outside my staircase wait and wait for me.”

It wasn’t hard to get to know him due to our close distance (lived in same neighborhood), we saw each others day in day out and spend time together day in day out. I was touch by his persistent, so I gave him a chance. And that how it started. And here we are, it been 11 years and counting, he still loves me just like back then and still just as obsess with me, lol. If there anything he loves me MORE after married, Not any less. He is an awesome husband. No regrets for me this lifetime.

  1. I was dating a coworker when I found out that he was cheating on me with the daughter of another of our coworkers. Funny enough, that daughter and I became friends and she introduced me to my now husband.

  2. Very modern love story, wet met on Tinder lol. One day of talking and I really enjoyed him, after one week we were dating and less than a year we were married. 3 years now down the line and we’re expecting our first baby! Not as romantic as some, but I still view it as crazy fate given that we were both about to give up on the app.

  3. In an AOL chat room in 2000, chatted a few weeks, met for a blind date and been together ever since. ❤️

  4. We met at the mall, we were each shopping on our own and decided to keep each other company and became friends at first.

  5. My father and husband attended the same school.
    My husband met my dad when he was in my dad’s class in college in freshman year . Senior year we took a class together. He told his friends he liked me and they said I was shallow but was the professor’s daughter .
    So he went home and found my number in his school directory. This was over 35 years ago

  6. We met at the open house of a mutual client. I attended with my male business partner, he attended with a beautiful young woman.

    A month later, we saw each other at Happy Hour. He asked if my boyfriend was joining us, and I laughed and explained that was my business partner. Not my boyfriend. I asked about his girlfriend and he explained that was his coworker, who had also worked with the client.

    We went on our first date a week later.

  7. We met through friends. My friend’s husband was friends with my husband and thought we might hit it off. They threw a BBQ so that we could be introduced. Spoiler alert: It worked!

  8. Met in a Facebook group that he created 😊 friends for over a decade, married almost 2 years.

  9. We lived in the same building. Had friends in common. Ran into each other at a yoga class while he had another girlfriend. A mutual friend also at the yoga class suggested we carpool to other yoga classes since we lived at the same place. He freaked out (because he thought the GF would get jealous, but I didn’t know that at the time) and I thought he was weird. About six months later, GF was now ex-GF and we ran into each other at a local bar. He recognized my friend, who he knew. Asked if she wanted to hang out again soon. Called her a few days later to ask her and me to go out to dinner with him and a friend, but she was busy and gave him my number.

    It was a long back and forth of him acting interested and then not and me wanting to be single and also interested in him, but that’s what started it all.

  10. Was hooking up with her friend and got recommended to her based on personality

  11. At that time I was just really fed up with men in general (got out of an abusive relationship a few month ago, then met a guy who turned out to be a classic pick me guy). Plus I had been working in retail for a while so I guess I was’nt interested in meeting any new people for that matter.
    But still, my best friends insisted I come to an annual spring party ( kind of a tradition where we live) in our neighbouring village. I took the late shift at work on purpose, hoping that would be an excuse to not go, but they still told me they would come pick me up. So I was’nt in the best mood and in the exact moment I was about to lock the doors of the shop, a really old man ( long white hair, crooked back, one eyed, walking on a cane) staggered in. Put on my retail face and voice and asked if I could help. Conversation went like that:
    Man: ‘You are going to the dance tonight for sure, right?’
    Me: ‘I am, yes.’
    Man: ‘But then you should look happier. You’re going to meet a lovely young man to dance with tonight, I’m sure.’
    Me: ‘ Ugh, I don’t believe I’m ever going to meet a nice man, sorry.. And I don’t feel like dancing tonight.’
    Man: ‘Trust me, you are going to meet him and you two will be dancing all night. If not, I’m coming back on Monday and we can dance here in the shop’

    Kind of creepy, but then he left and my friends came to pick me up. It turned out, the party was bad. Like really bad. We were by far the youngest (20-30 y/o) and the music was almost exclusively for the 60+ generation.

    So I told my friends how I was right and we could have stayed home. Suddenly one of my friends grabbed my arm and was like ‘Holy sht, look. I am going to introduce you two.’
    She took me two the bar where a group of men was standing and talking. I saw who she meant and my first thought was ‘That dude is way out of my league. Nice try.’ It turned out she knew not a single one of those guys, she had just seen them in the area a few times. After she introduced my to that special one, she left. In panic, I ran after her. A few minutes later, he came to our table, introduced himself and asked in the most polite way if I would like to dance. Mind you, there was still only old music playing, the kind where you do a disco fox or waltz to. And back then I couldn’t dance like that if my life depended on it. So naturally, I said yes.

    He was a very good dancer and an even better teacher, so we danced all night to that shitty music and I learned all kinds of classical dance moves. We also got a few (too many) drinks, so when the party ended and it was time to go, I did not know how to say goodbye in an ‘impressive’ way. My drunk and nervous self decided it would be best to just kiss him right on the lips in front of all of his friends and then run off in a high knee skip kind of run.

    At home in bed I was 100% sure I ruined things by that (because I thought he was just way too cool and awesome for that). Right before I fell asleep I saw a text on my phone. He enjoyed the evening so much and asked me out on a date.

    That was 5 years ago, we got married last year and are expecting our first child in August. And, I have never seen that old man from the shop again, eventhough I would love to thank him.

  12. Met on line. She asked me to briefly describe myself and I told her that I was just an average GI (I was still in the service at the time) from a typical dysfunctional family. She invited me over for a cup of coffee and 15 years later we are still together and I have yet to get that cup of coffee and hopefully never will.

  13. Okcupid! We were at colleges about an hour apart from each other, and we chatted for about a month before meeting (had just gone on winter break). Got engaged after 2.5 years, married just before 4, and now married 3.5 years, together for 7.5 total 🙂

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