How do you celebrate your birthday?

  1. The last few years, I’ve just enjoyed sitting at home, eating a burger, feet up, watching a baseball game in peace & quiet.

    I know this sounds like a very man response, but my grandpa and I used to bond over summer baseball. Makes me happy & he’d always watch a game with me on my birthday.

  2. It’s so close to Valentine’s Day that my partner and I will take a weekend trip to a nearby city of my choosing. We exchange gifts the morning we leave, and then we spend the weekend going to fun museums and restaurants. It’s fortunate that we have similar tastes, otherwise I’d feel bad about monopolizing the holiday with my own interests lol.

  3. The last birthday I actually celebrated was my 16th one. That was the one I felt mattered the most at the time because I could start going out.

  4. Before college, my parents would take me out to eat and then on a shopping spree. Now that I’m away from home at college, I just have a nice dinner with friends. This year was the first year I’ve been in a relationship on my birthday so my gf made me a wonderful meal and got me shitfaced drunk(21st birthday).

  5. I like to get experiences instead of stuff, for the most part. So my partner usually books something nice for us to do. This year I went to a music festival.

    Last year I went to a big comedy show.

    The year before that I did nothing because covid (ordered in food, felt sad).

    The year before that I had a beautiful garden party with all my friends.

    Next year I’d like to go to the beach maybe. When I turn 40 my goal is to have my shit together enough that I can plan a gorgeous dinner party for 10 or so.

  6. I usually go for lunch with my dad, and then have a birthday dinner at my parent’s house with my grandparents and we have chicken.

    My boyfriend will also take me for lunch or dinner depending on if/when I work, and sometimes my mom will take me shopping.

  7. Buying some delicious food just for me or sometimes a share with someone who I really care

  8. Take the day off with my SO and have a leisurely breakfast, go for a great lunch, some museum visit or theatre and drinks at night

  9. I usually just do something with my mom, step sister, step dad, and one or two friends. Usually it’s bowling or watching a movie then we go to dinner and then to my house and hang out.

  10. The last time I celebrated was 10 years ago. I’d really love to celebrate with a SO but it never really worked out because I’d been either single or with a jerk, who said that “birthdays are just normal days and I shouldn’t make it about myself”. Anyway, I’d love to go on a trip somewhere.

  11. Breakfast with mum and sister , then go out to either and arcade or some fun activity , lunch then have an early night to myself followed by birthday blues 😂

  12. My mom & boyfriend ask what’s on my wishlist and get me a gift from that. Based on what I’m feeling that month, I either make my own dessert since I love baking or buy something. This year I got donuts! I also buy myself a gift from from my etsy list, a new ear piercing, skincare products, few items of clothing, etc.

  13. My 32nd birthday is tomorrow and my husband and I are just gonna go out to eat and to the movies, that’s what we usually both do for our birthdays just something nice and low key.

  14. I don’t want to anymore it’s nothing more than another day. Last time I used my bday as an excuse to go on a road trip by myself.

  15. I don’t make an effort to gather people to celebrate. It’s a normal day for me but my friends would gather for a birthday dinner. Now that I think about it, I never went out of my way to celebrate it. Grew up in a family that thinks celebrating birthday is too much work, got a few presents here and there. Honestly, all I feel from it is “oh, ok” with a side of “meh” feeling.

    Sounds sad lol

  16. I like to go on meals at restaurants..but I don’t know if I will make it to my next birthday (December baby), things are pretty rough atm in my life.😔

  17. Never really have. Newest partner likes to try treat me so we’ve had a weekend away and nice dinners. But I’m happy with a lazy night

  18. Take the day off and do whatever I want. Usually that entails day drinking while watching netflix and knitting.

  19. By skipping it altogether. I’ve just never been a birthday celebration person.

  20. I usually celebrate by going snowboarding but it’s been 2yrs now since covid kept me from this tradition. I’ll be going this next birthday.

  21. preferably with my friends but i haven’t gotten to have a proper birthday in 3 years now. turned 18 like 3 days after going into isolation in 2020, massive covid outbreak in my uni so everyone had to lockdown on my 19th, and two days before my birthday this year i got covid so i’ve spent 3 bdays alone😅

  22. I don’t. Usually cry every year on my birthday because I’m always alone on it 🥲😂

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