Could VR+sex toy combo ever replace real sex for you? Why/why not?

  1. Meta by Facebook really trying to happen isn’t it?

    More likely the robot companions if that ever gets finished. I can see a lot of dudes here bitching about women who would jump right into that.

    It won’t effect me. Already got a real wife and kids going.

  2. Not a chance. For me sex is first & foremost about the connection it builds. Never had casual sex.

  3. I’d need to try both to be able to say. Even so, I doubt it’d replace the real thing, but it’d certainly be more accessible.

  4. No. And I have a wide collection of toys. But they can never ever replace the same things. The feelings, touch, connection to my partner. Hell I don’t even really care to play solo with my toys now. 🙄 that man I married even ruined me on my own toys. (Don’t come at me, I can make myself cum with a toy. It just he does it soo much better then I do. Dammit!)

  5. No you can’t make a VR headset cum

    Your not there for you, you there for her

    She’s there for you we as a society are too lazy and self absorbed if this becomes a reality

  6. I’ve thought about this. Everyone satisfied by VR would fail to reproduce thereby increasing the percentage of the population who would not be satisfied by it over the course of multiple generations. It’s only the future for people who are less likely to reproduce.

    As for the actual question, I’d suspect not.

  7. 100%.

    People are too naive to believe that we’ll reach a point where VR will also stimulate the correct receptors to allow us to feel no different from reality.

    We’ll soon have real VR jobs and whole societies (we already do have some versions of them).

    Give it 20 years and VR will be unrecognisable from today.

  8. Nope nope nope nope nope. Fuck this shit (no pun intended) I am not going to do that. Ever

  9. I once watched a taxi cab confessions where the guy said that having sex with his transgender girlfriend post op vagina felt better than women who were born with a vagina.

    All that is to say if there was some way where science could make virtual sex feel and look better than what real sex felt like then yeah I could see a whole generation of people getting hooked on meta vagina

  10. I’m kinda over porn. It’s just gotten so cheesy and over the top.

    Girls baying like farm animals as they’re violently and painfully rammed by some dude who’s either completely disinterested because it’s the 45th take or WAY too into it (uhhhhhhh, yeah, fuck that dick, uhhhhhhhh) just doesn’t do it anymore.

    Sex toys are stupid too. They’re too fucking small most of the time and they’ll never “hit the spot” like a woman can. Watching fake sex leaves me limp anymore. It’s like “oh she’s hot, I’d like to see her naked…..and now she’s passing everywhere pretending it’s squirting…….

  11. Sure why not all the lovey dovey crap people talk about in this thread is chemicals and electrical signals nothing more

  12. Given I never had both….

    Anyway, probably not and I think cuddling already shows that intimate interaction is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy better.

  13. Nah, that human intimacy is hard to beat. If you’ve had just good sex before, it’s great, but if you’ve made love? That’s a whole other ballpark. I’ve only had that experience with three people and every time it’s been unique, heartfelt, passionate, and above all, magical. Can’t get that with a pair of goggles and a fleshlight

  14. That’s just fapping with extra steps… You can’t beat the feeling of having another persons body on yours during sexual moments

  15. I can see it replacing sex for many men. Sex is better plus the intimacy cant be replicated but vr is convenient and better than todays porn

  16. Nope.I’ve tryed vr porn.Its kinda mind blowing the first few times.but it will never replace another human being.

  17. I think yes because I’m virgin and will never have sex.
    Hope in future it will be becoming more realistic

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