Does anyone else wonder if they’re going to be single forever? I know it sounds crazy considering I’m only 23 years old but dating is so hard nowadays when it doesn’t have to be. Does anyone else ever feel the same way ?

  1. Yeah, I feel you. I’m a 26M and have never been in a serious relationship. I’ve dated a fair bit and have had flings, but it’s never amounted to anything. I would like a serious relationship but I also enjoy having the freedom of being a single guy. It needs to feel right before I enter a committed relationship. I guess I just haven’t found the right gal yet.

  2. There’s a lot of people in the same situation. Like me, 24M. No history, no idea about a chill-souding answer when that inevitable question about previous relationships comes

  3. Don’t worry, you are only 23, you got your whole life ahead of you.

    That’s what I’ve been told all the years of my life lmao. It sure as hell taking its sweet time rn. 29 and still single, still alone. Finally met a girl, talked, got her flowers. She almost cried cuz ” *no guy has ever done this for me before..* ”

    …ghosted. i had about 5 other interactions with women whom say the same thing. Yet here i am, alone. Its not like there’s anything really wrong with me. Im slim, tall, fairly attractive. Over 6ft, full head of hair. Every girl ive talked to made her laugh so cant really be personality.

    Hell the recent girl a week ago, agreed to a walk-date to get to know eachother…and nothing. Ghosted again.
    Considering most of the girls i know just sit on their phones binging tiktoks or social media, it gets real depressing that im not even worth an hour walk or literally anything else irl. This isn’t even OLD yet, as I lack pics to even attempt that.

    So yes op, i feel you. *maybe next year will be different…*

  4. I feel the same way myself. I’m 29(M) and I feel like i don’t know how to date in todays gen. I’m also not a huge fan of dating apps either.

  5. Shhhit I’m 22 m and I’d date you just to get my parents to stop telling me to try online dating 😂 they don’t understand that people don’t want to have real conversations anymore. I feel like an outcast because I’m “”attractive””” to most (so they say) but I hate the idea of dating apps, I just want to meet someone genuine in a natural way and dodge all the hookup/ghosting culture. Plus between working up the courage to shoot my shot with girls and getting dumped or rejected it feels like more harm than good 🤷‍♂️ all I do now is work eat sleep and save money. I too fear ill be alone forever sitting on my pile of useless paper

  6. Yep I’m 35 and I have more time deployed overseas than I do in all of my relationships combined

  7. These dating apps are rough 😭 I don’t like them either. It’s definitely hard trying to find a genuine connection through an app, that’s why I can’t do it anymore. hookup/ghosting is what’s mostly on there and it gets old, fast.

  8. Yeah I stated dating 3 years ago and fail to have a relationship but got several situationships and feel like this is the trend right now. People don’t want commitment but just want fun.

    I don’t see myself having a bf soon because I would rather enjoying my single carefree life. I have nothing to complain about because my life is going exactly as I want in every other aspects. Once every few weeks I hear this girl is breaking up that guy just got dumped. I’m glad I’m out of these drama.

    I can easily date any guy that I have seen, but at this age it is inevitable that the relationship will end up like that.

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