So I am (27m) and my wife is a (24f) been married for 4 years together for 7. Since I have been with her I can say she rocks my world. She definitely was into kinky stuff dildos, anal, and more! After our second kid she got a IUD I hope I spelled that correct furthermore since she got that sex has been kind of a challenge when we have sex it’s not the same maybe because of the IUD and she does have a lot on her plate work, kids, and just started going to college so I totally understand but what I’m trying to get at is my sex drive has not changed along with wanting to use toys which gets me off and I want it every single day with her. Maybe I should back off and let her be the one to let me know when she wants it because my way of asking everyday is not working what so ever. Opinions would help!

  1. Is it a hormonal IUD or copper? Any time you introduce hormones to regulate menstruation it will have some impact on sex drive. It mimics pregnancy hormones to trick your ovaries into not releasing an egg.

    Age, stress, and hormones can all definitely play a factor in her drive getting lower. Asking for it all the time would be a turn off for me personally. Have you talked about it with her? Have you actually said “I want you all the time, but I don’t want you to feel pressured. If you want it at any time, please initiate and I will reciprocate”?

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