One day my girlfriend was over and we were watching TV. My sister walked by the room where she was wearing a shirt that you could sort of see the outline of her nipples.

After my sister left the room my girlfriend turns to me and asks if I think it’s weird / uncomfortable that my sister dresses like that around the house. I said no and that I’ve never really noticed nor cared because well…it’s my sister.

Nothing really came of the conversation but I feel a little weirded out that my girlfriend would even ask that. I feel as though she was intimidated sort of ? My gf can be a little insecure of her chest size and always makes comments on other womens clothing that exposes a lot of cleavage. I just wanna know if this is normal behaviour.

  1. It’s weird she picked up on this. I personally though wouldn’t walk around the family home wearing something where my own family could see that. I’d say the comment is weird though

  2. Some women are taught that they need to make sure no one sees their nips unless they’re having sex. I’ve been with women who are horrified that I answered the front door when you could see my nipples through my top. I wasn’t raised with that baggage so it didn’t even occur to me that someone might think it was skanky of me. I’d say you’re all normal.

  3. I have had the same problem. Mostly what I’ve noticed is that people who don’t have an opposite gender sibling don’t realize that brothers and sisters don’t typically look at each other sexually. And the porn industry doesn’t help that much, lol.

    But I’ve had guys who were surprised I never banged or at least fooled around with my sister, and girls who though we were icky just because we were good friends. And every time it blows my mind, it’s like having dirty thoughts about your own mother, yeah I’m sure there’s some people who do that, but typically it’s not how things are.

  4. As a sister, I have always walked around with no bra on and boobs be sagging lol/nipples are clearly showing and I’ve never thought anything of it being wrong because my brother’s are my brother’s and there is nothing sexual about it I’m in the comfort of my own home.

  5. I mean with the amount of stepsibling/incest porn out there. Maybe she just wanted to see your reaction and see if you’re one of those weirdos who watch those.

  6. Imo it’s not normal behavior.

    Not every thought that goes through your head is worthy of being expressed/getting stuck on. It sounds like your gf hasn’t figured this out.

    Confidence is attractive. Making negative/judgmental comments about other women’s bodies makes her look insecure and petty. And then to do that about your sister? 😬

    No advice, but I would find that off-putting.

  7. Is she an only child?

    You said nothing came of the convo and she only asked you if you felt “weird/uncomfortable”

    like as a brother do you feel weird seeing a certain part of your sisters body that’s *very* often *very* sexualized.

    Depending on her relationship with her siblings or if she even has any, this just seems like an innocent question to me.

  8. Your sister is fine. It’s her house. She’s allowed to be comfortable and braless.

    Your girlfriend is silly for even saying anything. Makes her come across as insecure and immature. That would be a total turn-off for me.

  9. This weekend I was told about a 65 year old woman who does not wear her pjs in front of her 37 year old son, because that is too indecent….

  10. Well personally I find it weird to walk around ur own family half naked or showing whatever parts, yes it’s ur family but also ur body has matured so personally I would be the same way

  11. This doesn’t sound like that big of a deal. Chances are she’s just used to people being more conservative with their bodies around family.

    If you told her you didn’t really care and she accepted that without any drama, I’d say this is all pretty normal.

  12. I’ve never been allowed to walk around the house while obviously not wearing a bra (I.e. the outline of my nipples showing) so I actually have asked a similar question to my current boyfriend a while ago just because I was surprised

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