Which would you choose? The perfect job, the perfect family or the perfect self (meaning you’ve reached a point of mental stability that nothing bothers you, could be broke, single and don’t mind)

  1. Silly question, they are not mutually exclusive. I’d ignore the supplied “options” and got for all three, plus more.

  2. All 3? They tend to go well, and usually when you have one you most often have all 3.

  3. Perfect job makes it a hell of a lot easier to build the other two.

    The same could technically be said of the perfect self but frankly so much of career prospects are environmental rather than internal that if I was going to magic wand one into place it’s the job, harder to achieve on your own if you weren’t born into a solid family with the resources and values to help you get there.

  4. The perfect family. The other two things are way more under my control than the high variance of dating and social relationships you need to weather to find a good family.

  5. Perfect self, everything else can be lost but a perfect self would be a lifelong thing.

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