Hanging out with this girl tomorrow. I asked if she wanted to watch a movie with me on top of that. Should I follow up with a “its fine if you don’t want to”?

  1. Not advisable, makes it sound weird and slightly creepy
    Also makes it sound as if you are being forced to do the activity

  2. No, saying that will just make you look insecure. She has the ability to say no if she isn’t down. You have no reason to make that preface unless it seems like she’s really not down indirectly.

  3. No, it comes across as lack of confidence, low self esteem & a little bit creepy.. besides, if she doesn’t want to, she’ll say no, she won’t care if “it’s ok/ not ok”, so no need to explicitly state the obvious.. just ask her if she wants to catch a movie, easy

  4. No. Don’t do that. Be clear and direct. Let her say yes or no on her own. There is an assumption with any request that the person can say no. Re-stating that communicates that you assume she doesn’t want to / have low self esteem.

    Is this a date? Do you know her well? Have you been out with her before? Is this alone in your home or at a public venue? Id change the message depending on these things … but here is a general template.

    “Hey! I had a really great time with you __ (whatever you did last.) I am thinking of watching _ (name of movie) on _( “Friday” OR “either Thursday or Friday”). (You could possibly add a sentence here about why you think she would love it or why you are suggesting it.) Would you like to come over and watch it with me? I’ll make/have _ (some snack or drink you know she likes) ”

    The better you know her the shorter the message and details needs to be.

  5. No, it comes off weak, as if you are suggesting she is likely to not want to. Unless you are proposing something extreme, there is no point in adding this. Best of luck!:)

  6. Damn. I do this all the time, I should probably stop based on all these comments. And here I thought I was being considerate of other people.

  7. You’re already hanging out with her. No need for the nerves. While you’re hanging out let her know you want to see the movie. See what her interest is like then ask her to join you if it seems like something she might be interested in.

  8. No, sounds passive aggressive. Like you’re already expecting her to say no

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