What’s the most important Dish on Thanksgiving/B-Days/X-mas ?

  1. Me personally.

    Thanksgiving is a tie between Turkey, sweet potatoes and pecan pie.

    Birthday is steak.

    And Xmas is ham with pineapple slices.

  2. Thanksgiving is green bean casserole

    B-day is a blow job

    For Christmas, I like to make homeade donuts that started a few years back and seemed to gained traction.

  3. Birthday… lasagna. My mom makes me a giant lasagna every year for me birthday. The last few years she did a chicken and spinach one which was surprisingly even better than the regular one.

    Thanksgiving… traditional turkey dinner with stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, and vegetables. And of course… pumpkin pie.

    Christmas… roasted lamb.

  4. Thanksgiving, I have to go with green bean casserole. Or stuffing smothered in gravy.

    My birthday staple is lemon meringue pie in lieu of a cake.

    I don’t care much for Christmas so like to keep it chill. Pizza, spaghetti, takeout. I guess Christmas cookies? I don’t have strong feelings on this one.

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