Since the start of middle school I’ve had trouble talking to people and really expressing myself. And that’s because whenever I did I got attention and I hate attention and the all eyes on me mentally or whatever.

I’m going to college in just a month, i won’t have any of my friends go there but there are people I do know who are going to the same college I’m going to but they don’t know me.

Honestly the college I’m going to is full of people I want to get to know better because at the orientation, I overheard conversations from tons of people and realized that a lot of people were talking about things that I like to (it’s all nerd shit like anime and games and whatnot)

I don’t want to go into my first year of college, get depressed and want to drop out. That’s what my mom will think I’ll do and I just don’t wanna make her worry for me.

What should I do to make some friends for my first year of college? And learn to put myself out there more?

1 comment
  1. Find someone who doesn’t have any friends or have just 1 friend in your class. Start talking to them about the things you like and ask abt their intrests amd stuffs. And gradually start talking to more people including the friend you made. And dw about how u gonna make an impression, just be you and be real and always have a friendly smile on your face. Talk about anything that makes you happy and also talk about others intrests aswell and not just you:) hope it helps

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