I’ve been with my girlfriend for 2 years now and we have a really healthy and happy relationship.

Well, not everything can be perfect. Our sex-life is a bit weird. Not necessarily bad, because I really enjoy having sex with her, but we do it maybe 1 time for 2 months.

I know, communication is important, so I talked with her about this. She told me that she wouldn’t mind having sex with me more often, and that she enjoys it. But she told me that her sex drive is low (unlike mine) or she doesn’t know yet what turns her on. So she said she is happy with the amount of sex we have (which I am not obviously).

Now I want to try new things that could turn her on. Our sex was very “vanilla”-like all the time and I was her first. So I don’t know where to start.

She is open to try new things. She just want to “leave it to me” because I’m the one with more experience and she is shy. This is a bit overwhelming.

So I’m asking for some advise. Especially things we could try.

1 comment
  1. You could get her to watch a bunch of porn and make notes of what turns her on? Either alone or with you if she was comfortable with that.

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