So, on vacation this past week I was staying at this lodge with my family (13M). I decided to go down to the pool for the second day in a row and do some waterslides. While there, I saw this girl checking me out, and I went up the stairs to the slide.

I tried to avoid her at first because I’d been talking to another girl for awhile (but we’re not dating). However, I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was.

She was talking with her friend and they were laughing, so obviously she had a good sense of humor. The thing is, I was only on vacation.

I decided the next day I would go down the waterslides again, partly just to see her even though I’d never talked to her.

Her eyes were beautiful, and she looked like she was a genuinely nice girl.

I had seen her around the hotel and in the arcade before too, so basically everywhere I went.

Before I went down, I could hear her say “Hey” and it looked like she wanted to talk to me. I ignored her out of fear that I’d say something stupid or that I’d be betraying the girl I was talking to, and then regretted it badly later.

I only knew her first name, and after that day I left to go home the morning after.

I didn’t think anything of it originally, but that night after, I was so sad knowing I’d go home without talking to her or finding out where things could’ve went.

I am a optimist, so I try to make the best out of situations, thinking maybe I’d see her again, but thw odds are very low.

It’s been 2 days after the vacation, and I still have feelings for her. I’ve tried to get her off my mind, but I just can’t.

I posted something about this two nights ago for advice and I tried to get her off my mind, but I genuinely like this girl and there’s no way I’ll be able to talk to her again.

Could I try to find her on social media or would that be too creepy? I think of myself as a gentlemen and I don’t wanna come off rude or creepy in anyway.

Do you guys have any advice for me?

Tl;dr: I developed feelings for this girl at my lodge on vacation. I noticed she checked me out, and she tried to get my attention to talk to me but I was too nervous and I ignored her. It’s been two days after vacation and I can’t get her off of my mind because I genuinely like her.

1 comment
  1. > Do you guys have any advice for me?

    Just distract yourself until someone new shows up. You created a sort of artificial person here and that’s totally normal in these situations, but ultimately you’re thinking about a person that doesn’t actually exist. Your best move is to just distract yourself with something else. There will be more waterslide girls in your life.

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