It is heavily affecting my performance. I’ve become cocky, confident, and by confident I mean overconfident, and it’s dangerous, because it’s affecting my decision making. And I find every single excuse to be in her vicinity, which again affects my performance.

Haven’t felt like this for a very long time. It’s like the spark that gives me purpose, gives meaning to my life, but I’m not in a place to look for love. I have to be vigilant, always.

How can I help this, guys?

  1. Come to terms with the fact you aren’t in love with her. You’re infatuated with your idea of her. You don’t know enough about, or have the connection with her to be in love with her.

    Even if you successfully started dating her it would be an unhealthy dynamic given the pedestal you have put her on without her deserving that level of praise from you.

  2. I rent to female university students and essentially turned myself gay. You could try that.

  3. Dont shit where you eat. Although personally I have some exceptions to this rule.

  4. How well do you know her?

    If you get on well and think your feelings are genuine, ask her out.

  5. Man Up or you will find yourself getting fired for harassment. Don’t shit where you eat. Look for a new job and stop the nonsense.

  6. I convinced myself that we wouldn’t be a good fit, so I made really awful half-assed attempts at asking her out, to which she lost interest in me shortly after. It kind of stung at the time because we were legitimately good friends who enjoyed spending time together, and then it quickly fizzled out and entirely on my doing.

    I kind of regret it though in all honesty. I really haven’t met a person who was a better fit personality wise to me since then. At the time I was young and thought that lifestyle was my biggest priority, but now I find that the thing I value the most is personality. But oh well, live and learn I suppose.

  7. As somebody who went through this recently and ended up getting let go (not because of her) but still talks to the person from time to time… don’t. Spare yourself the pain. She’s not worth it.

  8. Don’t fall in love with them, don’t have a job, be 13 so you can’t have a job, be emotionless

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