I got a summer job that’s quite visible and requires a lot of talking on the phone, chit-chatting with coworkers, and talking with anyone who walks in. man do i fucking hate it. I wake up every morning dreading it and go to sleeping regretting my day. I need to save up money and it’s one of the only jobs I can physically bear (I have food allergies, eczema, etc.).

Sure I can be friendly to my coworkers and talk on the phone, but my social skills feel like they got worse. I hardly know anything so I’m constantly asking questions. I fear fucking up (they don’t take it well). Chit chat and gossip feel so foreign and weird to me that I only speak when spoken to. Objectively it’s a nice job but I’m always worrying about when the next phone call is going to come in.

Is there any advice for phone anxiety? My hands are so clammy my shirts sleeves are damp before lunch 😭 It’s only a summer job so is there anything I can think or do to mentally get through it?

  1. I think you’re an introvert that doesn’t know it yet. It took me a while to figure it out. But yeh. Sounds like you’re not being true to yourself

  2. My palms and wrists would sweat on my keyboard and wrist pad from non stop typing and it really irritated me. Looking at two slippery wet spots was so gross. I started swiping a bit of antiperspirant on my wrists in the morning and it really helped.

  3. Try to think of the future. You can sure quit now if it’s gets too much but I think in a few years you will look at this experience with great pride that you sticked it out.

  4. What exactly are you worried is going to happen? You seem so preoccupied with the worst case scenario that you’re not just enjoying the process.

  5. I agree with the top comment. I used to dread this reality so much until I realized that the world is so much bigger, and once you have a goal that fulfills _you_, something that allows you to see further than just the dreadful tomorrow that you will absolutely hate, it gets better. It’s easier to push through things when you know where you’re doing. = What are your actual strengths? What would you _love_ to do? Do you have any plans for yourself, any aspirations, dreams, something that would fulfill you? Try to hit some career tests to get a better idea etc., many options how to approach this.

    To give you a practical example, I freaking hate routinely/dead-end jobs, but I’m willing to push through it because once I come home, I got things waiting for me that I’m self-learning, so I can get closer to executing my next plan.

    > Is there any advice for phone anxiety?

    Can’t give advice without knowing the specifics. For example, I find calls stressful unless I can prepare for what will be said – I often need to write down my thoughts on paper first. Things like this.

  6. How many time you is doing this? It requires time to you get able to handle this situations more easily

  7. this is me i listened to this advice it didnt work I even work in a hospital surrounded by people i keep listening to this advice that putting yourself out there works but it really dosent im content with being introverted and quiet I can still get up and talk to people and give them directions if they need im a introvert first then extrovert second if that makes sense a social loner which is ok I wont fight it anymore and ive been at the hospital for 5 years still super quiet dont bother me one bit

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