I’m 20, and I’m a bit awkward with social interactions. IRONICALLY I prefer calling vs texting when talking to people the same age as me because I can’t keep up with their vernacular. I feel like a new meme or acronym is being made everyday and I can’t keep up. It’s not like I’m not on the internet often (I’m on here way too much for my wellbeing lol). So I don’t get why I’m not as well-versed in these as I maybe would be ? When I text my friends I feel like I’m constantly getting lost or have to ask them to explain what they’re saying. It’s really annoying because I don’t want to interrupt the flow of conversation so I just pretend to understand most of the time. It’s also really frustrating because i feel out of touch with them, and I feel like I sound overly formal when I text. I know it’s small but I just want to know if anyone else has this problem? And maybe what you do to make up for it?

TL:DR I don’t get gen z texting culture and I find it harder to text my friends because of this

  1. > So I don’t get why I’m not as well-versed in these as I maybe would be

    Reddit is just one corner of the internet; lots of slang comes out on other social media sites.

    Not sure about an acronym or a meme? Google it. There are sites that explain both, and it’s better to look it up and respond a little slower than to stop the conversation and have them explain these things.

    > I feel like I sound overly formal when I text.

    Pay attention to the way you use punctuation. These days, older people use a lot of periods and younger people use a lot of exclamation points, so I’d add in more exclamation points at the end of sentences.

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