Hello all,

I (23M) am a happy and healthy individual who does quite fine for myself in the bedroom….however, I have an issue where I’m lasting too long in bed.

I have always pleased the women I have sex with to the fullest extent by making them orgasm (more often than not – multiple times). This isn’t the issue….the issue is that sometimes I can tell they’re exhausted and ready to be done well before I am ready to ejaculate. Sometimes this can take up to 45min-1hour, and by that time, most women have been ready to be done for a while.

I don’t masturbate often, I have a healthy sex drive, I eat good foods, and I am in shape. Not really sure what my issue is or how to fix it.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Are you on any medications? Antidepressants in particular can cause this.

  2. Most women will be wanting it to end by 15-20 min. The most common problem is being desensitized by masturbation so you could try stopping completely. If you stop without cumming then restart a bit later will it be faster the second time; that would probably be more enjoyable for the woman.

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