I’ve been in a 10 year relationship and have been getting complaints that he wants “more excitement”. Thanks for your input!

  1. A woman that likes to go out and get active is great. Also women that are flirty and competitive are pretty exciting too imo.

  2. I love a woman that is attentive and caring. But I also want plenty of space. Bahahaha. Guess both genders can be confusing

  3. Openness to experiences. Essentially, being willing to try new things, big or small. Switching things up in your life just for the thrill of it. Curiosity towards the unknown and unexplored.

  4. What do you have to work with? Do you two have kids or a busy job you need to work around? Maybe just every once in a while go to a concert or a museum. If your competitive join a co-ed sport together and be on the same team. Camping, hiking, and biking are always a good outlet when the weather is nice.

    If you have the budget and the time, exploring local tourist spots and getting yo know your town or places of interest near by is great. You guys get yo explore it together too.

  5. I like an energetic positive sort of girl, so yeah mainly I date Cocaine addicts.

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