tall man of reddit, how does it feel to be the top pick for online dating?

  1. That’s like only one part. Once they realise I’m boring af the height doesn’t mean anything.

  2. Lol height does not make the man. They get about as many hits as the average joe.

  3. I was married before online dating was really a thing.

    From what I’ve read and heard, I dodged a bullet.

  4. Doesn’t change the fact that everything hotter than a 5 without kids and a entitled bio is a sex worker

  5. If it makes you feel better, I swipe left on any profile with a height requirement, even if I always meet the height requirement. That’s what I call solidarity!

  6. I’m 6’6 and in relatively good shape. My response rate when I send girls messages is in the 1-2% range. Needless to say, I hate online dating. Height is more advantageous for in person dating in my experience.

  7. Since I’m 20, working and living at my parents farm and don’t even have a driver’s license, I’m pretty much at the bottom. My hight is like one of maybe four good things about me.

  8. I was always surprised when texting and i told women my height (6’1″) and they ssid something like “are you sure?”.

  9. I’m medium tall, 6 foot, but I’m also quite oddly proportioned so it kind of cancels out for me. I can only assume it’s not nice to find a nice shirt that ends up looking like a dress on you though, keep your head up short kings.

  10. With the amount of interest or responses I get on dating apps, if I’m one of the “top picks”, all I can do is offer my condolences…

  11. I know guys who are 5’9 that do a lot better than me when it comes to dating. This is the average height for men after all. The only difference between me and the shorter guy next door is that girls will probably fantasize about the idea of dating a tall guy like myself but find themselves disappointed when they realize there wasn’t any attraction beyond that. Everyone likes to think tall guys get pussy thrown at them but we have to face rejection and put in the effort to find a good connection.

  12. Height is only a fraction of what’s attractive to women. Because we always hear it as the first criteria that comes out of their mouths, we tend to think it’s the do or die criteria

  13. I’m 6’3…but have Dumbo ears and a nose that would make an anti-Semite tremble with fear. Can’t say I’m exactly a catch…

  14. im 6’4″.. whatever pussy paradise you think all of us tall guys live in is entirely in your imagination

  15. I’m 203cm (that’s 6’8″ for all you filthy Colonials) and I don’t feel like the top pick at all. Tall supremacy does *not* check out, all I get is having to eat more and a harder time finding clothes that fit.

  16. 6’4″ here

    I exited the American dating pool and imported a Ukranian beauty.

    Not mail order before you ask.

  17. Being 6’4 it makes zero difference for me, i guess its just american thing, here in EU women dont care much about it

  18. I am too old for on-line dating, but back when dinosaurs ruled the earth, I got shot down so often for being too tall to date. Height requirements seem petty.

  19. I’m 6’3” brownish and have a belly so it doesn’t work out for me.

  20. Feels great.

    I had a two-fer yesterday. Going out with some gal later this afternoon. I have women coming over for dinner tomorrow and Tuesday. Should be five in four days.

  21. Size gets people in the door, personality keeps asses in their seats. That goes for Men and Woman for me. I’m 6’5 and it doesn’t translate until you meet me in person since I don’t take group pics on my profiles. (I hate seeing people with group pics and height requirements). If she swiped left on you then she wasn’t the one for you… Onto the next one.

  22. Gets me lots of matches, response rate 20-30%. But in my opinion height only works in person

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