I moved to a Georgia last year to work for my dad and shortly after my girlfriend came to live with me. In the little over a year I’ve been here I haven’t met anyone at all, most of my time was spent with my girlfriend and everyone I work with are family members. She broke up with me and moved out almost 2 months ago and I’m devastated, I really wanna get back out into dating just to heal. I wrecked my car and lost my job shortly after she moved out, it seems like my life is going down. I feel more alone than ever. Through all this I feel like I just need friends or a rebound to lean on but I’m very socially awkward and struggle talking to people I don’t know. Women especially, i have low self esteem, im not confident, and I struggle with knowing what is the right thing to say even through text and often find myself taking hours to reply just because I’m overthinking a simple response. I’ve tried all the dating apps, im just too awkward and don’t know how to keep them interested. Then I don’t know how to bring up the fact that I don’t have a car. Like…it’s so much I just need emotional support. I can’t do this alone

1 comment
  1. My honest answer to this would be to put yourself out there as often as possible. Imagine you’re making a huge lifestyle change for yourself by trying to go out more, because it will take some effort.

    Put yourself in situations where you are likely to make a connection with and meet new people. Sign up for clubs, get on the apps, volunteer, etc. It’s uncomfortable but the truth is at some point you have to believe that you’re likeable enough to converse with strangers.

    Small moments can happen when you least expect it. Maybe you see a Starbucks worker with a tattoo you recognize and start up a conversation on your morning coffee run. Maybe you frequent the gym and strike up a conversation with a guy who spots you. You could even start talking to people by joining a local subreddit for your city!

    I’ve been where you are, I made new friends in a new city. I would also suggest finding those friends you can lean on before you find a new girlfriend, support systems are severely underrated. Good luck! You got this! 🙂

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