Hi! I (20F) barely have sex because there’s a fear that’s holding me back, and that’s bleeding during sex.

When I lost my virginity a couple years ago, I bled on my partner. It was expected, not only because it was my first time, but more because he’s on the larger side if you will and I’m petite. My anatomy is just very small. I don’t know how else to explain it

On a second occasion, this same partner fingered me for about 10 minutes on and off, and I started bleeding. He was being a bit rough (which I liked) but it most likely resulted in a small tear that made me bleed. He kept insisting that I got my period and I had to prove that I got my period two week prior (with my period tracking app)

On a third occasion (with a different partner, 2.5 years later), I was riding him and I started bleeding yet again. However, he’s average sized. I got blood on his shirt. He didn’t make a big fuss out of it, and the blood came out after a good rinse

This has only happened 3 times. How do I prevent this from happening…when I’m turned on enough, wet enough, attracted to my partner and ready for some action. I’ve tried lube but I still have that fear of a guys dick being to large, tearing my perineum and not being able to fit and I just start bleeding. I just don’t want to embarrass myself in front of the wrong person one day. Does this happen to anyone else?

  1. 42m. I’m a proper manwhore. It’s actually not that uncommon but I would still see your Dr.

  2. See your doctor or use more lube. I was anticipating this to be a “I started my period on guys” and came to say that’s normal.
    Bleeding from tearing is not normal and is avoidable honestly.

    I’d see a gyno stat

  3. I’d say go to a Dr just to make sure you’re all good down there. Other than that don’t sweat it, sex can be messy. If someone makes a huge deal out of it, in anyway other than making sure you’re ok, then they aren’t worth you’re time and they’re just letting you know early.

  4. The exact same thing happened to me first time was a given but second time was from fingering too hard as well so I know how you feel but other than that I’ve been fine but definitely good to check it out

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