odd question, i know. but i have congenital anosmia (no sense of smell), so most of my soaps/shampoos/perfumes etc., are picked with the help of my friends. so i’m curious: outside of basic hygiene, are their scents that stand out to you (both good or bad)? what are they?

  1. Humm in general I can say I don’t really get a mental picture of smells

    Kinda like “this person smells like this person” but I can’t associate it with another smell. I can’t be like “this person smells like Lavender” etc

  2. I have to like the person’s natural scent. A clean natural scent. So it will have some mild soap perfumes, but it shouldn’t overpower their natural scent.

  3. I (F31) really dont like perfumes. On women or men. I always find it overpowering for some reason.. i am pretty sensitive to scent i guess.

    I used to enjoy skincare with a little fragrance in it but my boyfriend was always saying stuff like ahhh you have all that stuff on and now you dont smell like yourself lol. So i only have fragrance free skincare now as well.

    If you smell someones shampoo or handsoap.. maybe deoderant i find it okay/nice!

  4. Go safe with a spray deodorant… Aditional to whatever u use… Spray some little on yourself (LITTLE) after you’re dressed… U Will smell good, but not annoyingly… And they are pretty much neutral scents

  5. Disclaimer that I’m not a dude, but I *do* know scents – the person who says that everything smells different on different people is correct.

    The things that smell great on other people can end up smelling like straight trash with your body chemistry.

    If you have something like a local perfume oils shop, try going with a trusted friend and trying different “families” of smells. They’ll dab a little drop on your arm and the usual process is that you smell it and see how you like it, but if your sense of smell is limited or absent, that’s where your friend or family can help. Mark what was put where. Walk around for 30 to 60 minutes and get sweaty, then have your friend tell you what stuck around or what even smells better on you after that length of time.

    You may have one to four scents that can guide you in the future for buying things for yourself.

    Remember that a little scent goes a long way.

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