Hello dear folks,


**my live preview:**

like many of you guys, I was unsecure, got abused from parents with low self esteem behaviour and should get out from my despression.

I started working on my depression and also gamed my cousin from turkey (a country in middle east)

With **23** I got a job and her, back then she lived in **istanbul**, and moved to europe (Vienna) with me, 2015 she got pregnant, why I did not want the kid, but after some deep thoughts, we got the kid.

So I am **32 and she is 38**, and me and my partner we have a son who is **6 years** old. 2019 she went back to istanbul because of her family. I starting using **Fearless** from **RSD max**, it worked, but I could not pull.

And like all of you guys I also have to get Social skills, do networking, club connections, where I live, applying my game to life in general.


My inner game, which was created from my mom, (she is extremely religious and wears a scarf) was still destroyed. And I could not fuck her after pulling, then I pulled again and again.

One day I fucked I guess a drug abused **43** year old women in her basement. Which was kind of okay since I want to develop my skills.

**To make it short:**

I live with my girlfriend since 8 years now, with all these ups and downs we decided to live together, my son who will visit a private school this year could not go to school without we being together.

It is an open releationship, which means, that she can date and go out and sleep with another guy, or guys which she does maybe 2-3 times a year. Since she works and we have a son we spent more time together.

The same for me, since I work on my game, I am getting more attractive. I also listen to mentors (Owen cook, Julien, Coach Kyle) while I do work manually for my business and it gets me inspired.

***This also effects my Sales Job, where I dont care when I get rejected for 87% of the time for getting one sale. Since my body generates positive emotions automatically when I am in the zone (state)***


**My question:**

I can’t pull at home.. I realized most girls cannot bring me in their apartment since they mostly live with other people or not alone. I dont know why but 95% of the time, even I spent 2-3 Hours walking and kissing, and I ask if I can charge my phone or go to the bathroom, she then asked if I can go to my place for that, she will wait outside, and I dont even tell that my partner is at home, becasue it makes everything much more comlicated. I mentioned that I will stay at a hotel, but she knew where I live so it went creapy and weird… So we didn’t went anywhere.


I also never mention that I have a son, since everything is getting more comlicated.


**What should I do when she is ready to pull?**


My situation is a little bit complicated then most of the single Guys… What would you do if you were in my shoes?


*And please don’t suggest stop gaming or get a divorce.*



Thank you for any support and feedback or suggestion guys 😉

  1. I’m sorry you were abused.

    I would recommend doing everything you can to treat yourself and others with respect and as individuals.

  2. I would be honest and say my house isn’t practical but would love to spend more time. I’d also heavily consider dropping the “open relationship” bomb pretty early in things, especially if you want more than once with the same person.

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