Im half white and half hispanic.. but i look more like 100% hispanic (im brown).. and i never ever get white girls interested in me. Im not one to use the race card either. I grew up in a white community. When i go out with white male friends, the girls seem to go to them. And im basically invisible.
Its very very discouraging.. self esteem destroyer everytime i think about it. Makes me hate myself and my skin

  1. From my experience yes they do. I don’t know where you live but some areas are less prejudice.

    Now that you know that change your dating strategy.

  2. I’m a female who is also half Hispanic but I’m very pale skin, my preferred type is hispanic/latino men. Idk why but for me that’s always been who I gravitate towards.

  3. I’m white and I prefer to date dudes that aren’t white. I just find myself not that attracted to them. We’re out there, just might take you longer to find one.

  4. I think it’s just your confidence, and picking girls who don’t like you. I’m Mexican technically, and but my dad’s side is European. Anyways, I’ve dated all kinds of girls, and my two Mexican friends are married to white girls, so I think it comes down to you brother? I’ve even turned down a ton of white girls in the past because I didn’t like them back.

  5. Not (all) white woman and I prefer to date white dudes.

    May be part of my semi racist father and the location of my upbringing (the South).

    I think fair skin is beautiful until we go to the beach and they go all lobster then it’s inconvenient.

    We can’t change who we are. You have to love yourself first if you want to draw others in. And also just try talking to some women if you feel invisible, men can become more attractive to us if we like their personalities.

  6. People are attracted to the races available to them during their formative sexual years.

    Figure out what middle school she went to, find out how hot all the latino boys in her class were, and then you’ll probably have your answer.

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