Lets call this girl Renee.

Me and Renee have been really good friends for 2 years. And out of nowhere a few days ago she said she loved me but I laughed it off. But the reason I’m making this post was because she didn’t laugh and also said she was being serious. The thing that confuses me is that, she on many occasions has called me unattractive. But I have never seen her as a romantic interest, because she is taller than me, and id rather my partner be shorter than me, she also has had situationships with like 3 of my friends. We always talked about other peoples relationships together, but when I told her about my first kiss, she got annoyed me and said “how can she STEAL your first kiss like that”. (i regret my first kiss btw). And also, me, Renee, and my closest friend were working in class in silence. And me being the clown that i am, just randomly said that “you guys are beautiful” to break the silence. And as expected, they laughed. But the next day, Renee said to her best friend (who’s been my close friend for about 4 years) that I called her beautiful, but she didn’t realise that I just said it to break the silence, and when i told her that, she said “But you were being serious right” and me being ruthless and not understanding the situation said “no I wasn’t being serious” and laughed. I also said that I’d marry one of her friends if I got the chance, and she even said that she would love it if me and one of her friends did get married. Renee even also said that she was slightly interested in someone, which can’t be me.

We still talk normally now, and I think she thinks that I didn’t get the message. But I did…

What do I do? Does she like me?

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