I want to send a friend in the US a care package of food things from Australia. Is there something you liked from Australia I should include?

  1. My sister loves Violet Crumble.

    And I like the Bundaberg drinks.

    I can get both of those things locally though so that might not be ideal.

  2. You guys have amazing coffee. I’ve traveled quite a few places and the Australian coffee scene is my favorite.

  3. Tim Tams would definitely be a hit in the US if they were available. Bundaberg ginger beer is available, and seems to sell pretty decently. Flat white coffee is also pretty popular at Starbucks and other coffee places.

  4. Are there any snack foods or sweets that we should try? Enlighten us please!

    Honestly, the only Australian food thing that I’m aware of is Vegemite and Marmite. I’ve seen it in grocery stores here in the US, but never tried it.

  5. Violet Crumbles are Australia’s gift to humanity. I buy them at Cost Plus – a US chain.

  6. There’s a place called Burger Point in the Sydney area where you can smother your burger in cheese. The kind of thing you should only do once in your life for your heart health’s sake but it’s out of this world in yumness.

    Violet crumble is good. Vegemite also isn’t that bad once you learn how to eat it right.

  7. Tim Tams!

    Walmart used to sell them a few years ago, but they don’t seem to stock them nowadays 🙁

  8. BURGER RINGS. My husband and I tried them on our honeymoon. This was almost 3 years ago and we’re still talking about them

  9. To be more specific about tim tams, send some of the seasonal or limited edition flavours. There are only chocolate and caramel available here.

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