I think in some countries going away for the weekend is quite normal while in others happen only on special occasions. What’s the situation in your country?

  1. Depends a lot on the financial situation. But it’s definitely not uncommon. We sometimes even take the kids!

  2. Extremely rarely, I guess. I’ve never heard of people going on holidays that are not planned weeks ahead.

  3. Less often than I’d expect, maybe 1 or 2 on average. I think childless couples spend less on going out on average but spend more when they go out. But this is alle based on personal experience in my social environment which definitely isn’t a good reflection of the general population.

  4. Pretty common here. Finances obviously play a part but thinking of extended family, colleagues etc I’d say about once a month was pretty normal. That’s not all international city breaks but would include e.g. going to a gig and making a weekend of it.

  5. We go away quite often. Haven’t been abroad since 2019 due to the pandemic but we have had quite a few at home holidays. We only have one trip away booked this year so far which is unusual for us but I’m sure I’ll get more things planned.

  6. Me and my wife go on a weekend away every 3 months and one longer 1 or 2 week holiday every year. When you can get a flight to pretty much anywhere in Europe for less than £300 in total you might as well do it as much as you can :).
    I’m 34 and she’s 30

  7. This is really dependent on the couple and their finances. I know people who travel internationally +10 times a year, and I know people who rarely ever leave the country. It’s near impossible to give an exact answer to this, but one could think that people from countries with higher average pay have a greater tendency to travel internationally. I do weekend trips twice a year which rarely costs me more than €600, and then two bigger vacations which can cost around €1000-1500, again, really dependent on what people want to do, where to go etc..

  8. Some couples I know seem to go away somewhere every other weekend. We never had the money or the time when we were younger. Now we don’t have the energy or the inclination.

  9. It’s quite normal to make getaways every few months here in Denmark. Especially if you know someone with a vacation house that you can borrow. If not, the trips are usually weekend trips to Sweden, Norway or Germany.

  10. Personally, never. The joy of having pets…finding someone to look after the dog is no problem but for some reason no one is willing to be near the demon..I mean cat.

  11. Ignoring the pandemic I think it’s fairly common. Me & my partner are much more into going to a city and exploring than having a package holiday or cruise and it’s much cheaper to do so so you can do it a bit more often.

    We’ve been to Paris already this year, which was awesome. May go to Italy later in the year if our economy doesn’t completely implode.

  12. Not sure what’s normal, but my husband and I hardly ever do. Maybe once a year. If we’re not going on ‘normal’ holidays (of like a week or longer).

  13. Before we became parents, was a monthly thing.

    Now with kids, about every 2-3 months, since its a lot more planning

  14. I don’t see this as a phenomenon that divides along national lines at all. I have known plenty of people who live for their city breaks, and others who would never dream of doing anything else but fannying about in their garden at the weekend. Then there are those who like to go out in the local area – either cycling/walking or visiting cultural events. It’s a very personal thing, and also a question of money. For me, trying to reduce my carbon footprint has meant taking a “reduce unnecessary flights” stance all my life.

  15. Young-ish, not a couple per se: before Covid at least 5 times a year. We’d get really cheap flights and accommodation and spend around 200,- Eur for 2 ppl for a trip.

  16. I can answer for my parents but they are old and not childless. However me and my sister don’t live there. They go somewhere in Sweden on a weekend maybe once every month or 2. Then abroad for a week maybe 2-3 times a year

  17. Depends entirely on the type of person you are and what you value.

    I know people who use all their spare money to travel multiple times a year, and get the cheapest flights they can. They want to go everywhere and see as much as they can, and will squeeze a lot of sightseeing in short trips (Pre pandemic ofc)

    Most people will plan longer trips. A week or two for the holidays.

    It also depends on how much money you make. People who don’t make a lot of money don’t travel much, if at all.

    People who can save a little for the holidays might opt to have a little holiday trip to another part of the country. Which is already very expensive.

    I think younger people tend to travel more outside of the country. But if they want to keep up with travelling while earning for themselves they have to save a lot to do those trips. That usually translates to short trips where they cram a lot of sightseeing just to say they visited x or y place.
    These also tend to be the people who will do more weekend getaways, which I feel most people don’t do.

  18. We are in our 40’s, so not as young as some, but generally 2 or 3 holidays abroad each year and maybe once a month away for the weekend in the YUK, quite often tie in with going to a concert/gig.

    Of course this was all pre pandemic, only just getting back into that routine again.

  19. I think between once every 2-3 months (Switzerland). In between I go on day trips alone because it’s hard to always sync our schedules.

  20. We’re in our mid-forties. No kids. (Yay!). We normally go away for a weekend every couple of months. Usually **at least** once a month we go out and get drunk, eat etc.

  21. I would distinguish between weekends away within country and out of country. Maybe once or twice a year abroad is the most common (but many people will also do none or lots more than that) but much more than that within the UK

  22. It depends on lifestyle, interests and financial situation.

    Close family friends of us have their own little bungalow on a camping. And whenever the weather permits you can find them there.
    So very often they drive 1-2 hours away from home to sit in a smaller bungalow for the weekend and then drive home again.
    Often going there directly after work, and sometimes going to work from the bungalow itself before going home.

    But a lot of the younger generation generally only go on a getaway once or twice a year.

  23. Pre-covid my wife and I would take a weekend trip to somewhere close (like Chicago – about 2 hours away) about 6 – 8 times a year. Drop 1 car off at home after work on Friday, feed the cat, head out to a hotel

  24. My sister and her husband live(rented apartment) and work in Czech republic(Vysočina) and they go every other weekend to visit his family(Moravia) or us in Slovakia.

    My cousin and her husband work and live(owned apartment) in Prague and they come to Slovakia almost every weekend.

    Both couples I mentioned also have a dog.

  25. We used to go every 3 months or so, but usually for 3-4 days. It helped being just a train ride away from both schiphol and rotterdam. The bulk of your costs are still getting there and back, so it’s good to extend.

  26. I don’t think it depends on the country, but on the couple’s lifestyle. Last year, counting trips with and without his son, my bf and I went on two longer vacations and four weekends away although three of those were inside Poland. I went on another four week-long trips by myself, but two of them were working vacations, and he went on a 10 day holiday and a weekend trip by himself, both inside Poland.

  27. Usually 3 times a year. We’ve been so deprived cause of the pandemic that I’ve already been on 2 this year. I plan on many more. Can’t deal with 9-5 Monday-Friday.

  28. In the before times, I personally tried to go every 2 months or so. Just take a Friday and Monday off work and go for a long weekend, and that wouldn’t be very uncommon.

    Given how expensive Dublin and can be, and how cheap Ryanair is (especially if you’re willing to fly at random times, and you’re not too fussed about where you’re going) it’s not all that expensive.

  29. We have a camper van so we “need” to take weekend trips to make it worthwhile. That said, even before having the van we’d go away at the weekend quite often, just within the UK. Then a week’s skiing, a two week holiday and maybe a long weekend abroad as well.

    Obviously the latter is pre pandemic!

    Edit: I don’t think I qualify as young anymore though!

  30. Once every month or every other month, depending on diary commitments.

    I do a lot of solo travel though, so I don’t have to wait around for someone else to confirm their attendance. I’m pretty impulsive – I see a cheap flight deal and 5 mins later it’s booked.

  31. Domestic tourism here is notoriously expensive, and the neighboring countries aren’t too friendly (though this might be beginning to change) – So we must fly. We really enjoy exploring new places so that’s the only reason why we only do it once 2-3 months. Usually it’s weekend-ish (3-4 days) and to Europe, once or twice a year it can be 2-4 weeks and to farther destinations.

  32. In our thirties. Going out two-three times per week and going away on a weekend once-twice per month.

    That’s more than most of our friends.

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