My husband just passed away 2 weeks ago and we were previously talking about renewing our vows with a small destination wedding somewhere for our 5yr anniversary next year.
I’m thinking about still doing it. Has anyone done anything like that? Any pointers and advise.

Thank you. ❤️

  1. You must be in a huge shock. I think having a ceremony to remember his life is a beautiful idea, I wouldn’t make it wedding themed though. You are still alive and you should try to lovingly hold on to the memory of him while letting the commitment go – not renewing it. Humans are not meant to be alone (exceptions apply of course).

  2. I don’t have words that can describe what you are feeling at the moment, but I know there is a void in your heart. Maybe, instead of renewing your vows, make new vows and pledges to accomplish some of the things you both discussed and wanted to do. Write them out and then read them to him, while at that destination. Enjoy your time at that special place. The one thing I know he would want you to do is live a full life. Accomplish your dreams, and make that about doing this for him, and for his memory.

    Edit: Maybe take a friend or family member with you.

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