I have been starting to feel a bit better lately as I’m now in new medication but I haven’t dated in 2 years and haven’t sex in 4 (I’m 22M). I have been very self conscious of this fact and I feel like my trauma from my previous relationships and my car accident have permanently scarred both my mind and my body. People keep telling me I’m fat on here and that to fix my dating issues I should just lose weight. Honestly, there is nothing more disheartening to here. I’m trying to lose weight for myself and I want someone to like me for who I am. I know attraction is a major part of it but… idk
I’m crying as I’m writing this. I feel so worthless. No matter how hard I try I’m going to continue being alone. I wish I could be happy being single but I’m not. I get no “action” or even dates. None of the dating apps I download work for me, I just grt bots or crazy people. None of my coworkers are single or like me. No one i met at college liked me. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?!? I keep thinking about the bridge I want to jump off of. I appreciate all the support and I don’t expect anyone to comment or reply to this. I just need to get it out of head for a day or two.

  1. You don’t need a lover right now, you have to be your own lover, plus you’re only 22, I’m the same age as you, and I’ve been single all of my life so far, and a virgin, you have to focus on what makes you happy, I wish I had someone to call mine, but that hasn’t happened to me yet, and even if I go the rest of my life single, at least I have myself and my love of movies, comics, legos, I have my family. Stay strong

  2. So you have a few options. And this is going to be tough love! You can sit there everyday and be helpless about your situation or do something to change that! We all only have one life to live, so why not live it to its fullest? And unfortunately in order to get results you’ll need to get out of your comfort zone! Yes it sucks, but in the end, do you really want to see a change? If your goal is to find love then you need to try your best to be the best version of you! Keep working on yourself to create something that you’re proud of….after that it will become so much easier for you

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