It’s super hot at the moment and when I go for my lunch walks, I’d be more comfortable without my shirt on, but I don’t want to make other people feel uncomfortable

  1. I’d like to have boys and girls topless equally anywhere except let’s say restaurant, you know 😎

  2. You’re definitely making other people feel uncomfortable. It’s really not that hot, nobody wants to see you topless.

    A decent wicking sports top will keep you cooler and people won’t have to look at you half naked.

  3. Heat, it’s not that warm up north after the shower we’ve just had tonight!

  4. No, definitely not. Only acceptable on the beach.

    Chavs and louts walk about with their shirt off elsewhere.

  5. If he’s at the beach, sure. If he’s in on the high street, not so much.

    Always struck me as a bit tacky. You never really see non-tourists in places where it gets seriously warm do it.

  6. Acceptable? Yes. Unusual? A bit, but not much. It’s usually a sort of person that walks around with their shirt off so if you don’t mind being lumped in with them (which you will be as this thread has shown) then go for it.

    Reality is no one’s going to care. You’ll get a few odd looks but so what?

  7. I saw a LinkedIn post recently from a woman who claimed a shirtless guy on zoom constituted sexual harassment (him simply being shirtless, that is) and had contacted his employer over it.

  8. Much further north they call it *taps aff* weather 🙂

    I don’t think anyone’s going to care, except for some service establishments who might have a requirement to wear upper body clothing for service.

  9. That’s subjective. I think it’s rather annoying to constantly see, but I don’t get offended by it. At my local OneStop, many men walk into the shop with nothing on the top.

  10. You do you, just don’t maintain shirtlessness in buildings or market-stools.

  11. I feel like, judging from your responses, you weren’t actually seeking advice on this issue but instead wanted validation for something you were always going to do, and then predicating your decision on classism because you saw a few people use the word “chav”.

  12. Only if you’re in decent shape seems to be the social rule. Very skinny pale men with back and shoulder hair, or obese men get probably more death stares than a fit tanned man.

  13. Yes it’s acceptable, but only if it’s so hot the shirt actually catches fire. Otherwise, no.

  14. Maybe consider a change of clothing, some linen shirts, or light poly mix shirts, preferably loose fitting.

  15. Do what you like. Bear in mind that some people will be offended. If I had the minerals, I might go topless too, but I’d rather not rock the boat.

    It all seems stupidly arbitrary. In some cultures, it is considered risqué for women to wear jeans.

  16. Do you screw what others think not hurting anyone after all, I’m from Scotland btw anything over 13 is taps aff weather 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  17. It’s cooler and safer when you’re out in public to wear a nice loose fitting white or light cotton shirt. And a broad brimmed hat.

  18. No, not acceptable in my opinion. There’s no need for it, as evidenced by everyone else that’s managing to keep their tops on.

    No-one can stop you doing it but you’d be putting your comfort above everyone else’s.

  19. In your own space, go for it. Your front or back garden are fair game and, if in a flat, your balcony too. Anything outside of your own space then put on a T-shirt.

  20. Go for it mate, not sure where all of these commenters live, maybe they are all posh sods.

  21. Any bit of heat and im melting worked in a chilled warehouse for 15 years so im more used to the cold but i wouldn’t walk around outside with no top on cos 1 i have a dad bod and 2 i would scare people my whole top half is heavy tattooed

  22. If your onesie is dirty fine to go shirtless on the school run, just make sure you wear your Uggs and bring your vape so everyone knows you’re not a chav

  23. If you don’t want to make them uncomfortable, just don’t helicopter in public. If anyone is offended by a shirtless man or woman, they need a bloody good slap.

  24. I’m much better suited to cooler climates…I never cope well with summer, I keep my shirt on regardless, nobody asked to see my nips. That and I burn like a motherfucker, even with sunscreen.

    Stay hydrated, keep your water cold it’ll keep your core temp down as much as possible

    Is it illegal? No. Will you be judged? Probably. Invest in summer clothes, thinner t-shirts etc

  25. Don’t think many people would have a problem with it. Quite common to see people shirtless in the hot weather round here. Normal to put shirt back on if you go into a shop/pub, though.

  26. Just wear a short sleeve shirt like a normal person. Nobody wants to see your beer belly and man tits.

  27. Amazed by all these responses. It was always a bit of a Grandad thing when I was a kid.

  28. It’s a bit uncouth… but it’s not the end of the world. Working class doesn’t always mean Chav!

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