Why is being ‘spiritual’ or into horoscopes/astrology considered a red flag in a potential partner, being this male or female?

  1. its not, making decisions going forward based off of stars is a red flag lol

  2. Well considering I think it’s not real it’s gonna be hard for me to take people like that seriously. It’s the same as with overly religious people. If u don’t believe what they believe how can you take them serious when they make decisions based on those beliefs.

  3. Now you may find it inconceivable or at the very least a bit unlikely that the relative position of the planets and the stars could have a special deep significance or meaning that exclusively applies to only you but let me give you my assurance that each forecast and prediction are all based on solid scientific documented evidence so you would have to be some kind of moron not realize that every single one of them is absolutely true.

    Where was I?

  4. Because the notion of grown ass men and women taking advice from the stars is flat out ridiculous.

    That non-sense is just vague and general enough that it might apply to enough people to think it has any sort of merit.

  5. I don’t think it’s a red flag per say, but a bit eh. I mean if they don’t take it that seriously and it’s for fun then that’s ok

  6. Regarding astrology, because it indicates a clear inability to comprehend how the world works. Most people are thankfully smart enough to not buy into it anymore. If someone were looking for someone easy to take advantage of, an astrology-following person could be a good target.

    Regarding spirituality, that’s a little more complicated – depends a bit on context I guess. Edited to fix typo.

  7. Well, your conflation of astrology and spirituality is a problem in itself, in my opinion. I don’t have a problem with spirituality, but astrology is so obviously batshit that I cannot take it seriously at all. Astrology gets used to abscond responsibility, make half-baked predictions, or gross generalizations about people’s behavior. It’s not just a red flag for me in dating, I lose pretty much all respect for people that believe in astrology. It’s also just hilarious to me that people have a belief system about something like the stars while they often lack any significant comprehension of astronomical science.

  8. I’ll sometimes pretend to be into astrology just to weed out the aggressive and condescending atheists. I’m agnostic. But the way people react to the mere suggestion of interest in astrology tells a lot about the way they treat people.

  9. Why? Because usually these people are fucking nuts! I once went on a date with a woman who (when i decided I wasn’t feeling it and was gonna leave her apt) decided to go apeshit on me and claim that I “lied about my sign” (while crying)because Capricorn’s don’t behave like me… and proceeded to send me numerous texts “proving” it until I blocked her. This is just one story. Yea they are nuts.

  10. Why? Because its half bullshit and half scam. To believe that planet and star constelation affects our behavior, future, etc. is as ridiculous as religions.

    Also one of my friends in high school had side income as “oracle”. I don’t know popular is this outside my country but tldr people would call him and he would tell them their future from crystal globe or something like that. It was a scam, call line was overpriced af and he was literally making everything up for those idiots who believed it.

    And lastly, where are those people willing to draw “bullshit line”? Do they also believe in magical healing crystals or aromatic oils, etc.

  11. it’s literally a magazine scam. its an entire industry that preys on people for a profit.

    i do be reading my free horoscope online tho

  12. The person will never admit their mistakes or held themselves accountable for the things they may have done wrong they will always blame to their ‘SIGNS’.

  13. Imagine trying to work through issues with someone that can blame all of their bullshit on something that’s complete make believe.

    It’s incredibly immature, and an immediate hard pass.

  14. My entire decision making process is based off of the teachings of Professor Trelawney from Harry Potter.

  15. Because it’s consumerist bullshit, if you buy into it you’re likely to buy into every new fad and waste tons of money and time

  16. Horoscopes and zodiacs can be fun if engaged as fictional entertainment. But if they take it seriously or make it their personality it’s a red flag because if they can believe that then they could believe any kind of crazy shit like Qanon or flat earth etc. They lack basic common sense.

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