What’s the appeal of a prom?

  1. I wasn’t really interested in dating or relationships at 18, so prom was a “meh” for me. That said, I loved getting to hang out with friends before, during, and after it.

  2. At ours at least, food was pretty damn good, after party was a good time as well. Plus. The real after-party when drinking starts (or other activities)

  3. All these people saying sex obviously had a very different highschool than I did

    It’s just a fun time to hang out with your friends before you’re scattered for college

  4. It’s different things to different people. But absolutely not a requirement that you go or even want to go.

    It has about zero outcome on your future love life.

    I didn’t go to prom. I now have three women who will get in bed with me at once.

  5. I never went, junior year I didn’t care for it and senior year wasn’t much different except I was banned from it for getting into a fight a few weeks before it

  6. For the girl–it’s amazing–she’s princess for a day. For the guy-meh.

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