About me 21M: I am a cheap person. Cheap like $20 for 2 people is too expensive. I like any music that isn’t sad.

About her 23F: she likes country music, her mom is very pleasant, they like essentisl oils. Her mom likes lavender oil. Her dad and I share the same birthday, hers is a few days before mine. I see her mom whispering in her ear then after she does that, she looks over at me and stares and smiles at me.

Both of us: We work at a factory but she works nights i work days.

I want to do something special for her without spending over 20 dollars between 2 people to do it.

I just got her phone number today after I asked her, and we have been talking for a few weeks.

I got very mesmerized when she was walking away to go to her line, I was filling up my water bottle, next thing I know my water bottle is overflowing. My supervisor was very cool when I told her I spilled it and how I can clean it up.

Yes dating is allowed at our job. My supervisor is married to someone there, this girl and her mom work there, another married couple worked together, so it’s definitely not frowned upon where I am.

Edit: the 20 dollars includes transportation, 60 cents per mile so I’m budgeting 14 miles max round trip.

  1. I played board games on some of the dates with a girl, it was fun and cheap.

    The games were for two people: Splendor, Ticket to Ride and The Mind

  2. Money don’t bring happiness but it can be used to create good memories. Spend the money on her to create good memories that you treasure later on. Money you can always make it back.. certain experiences once it gone, it’s gone.

  3. I would consider increasing this amount. It is hard to do anything or go anywhere for $10/person. Hard to do anything special on top of that. But I will try my best because I understand.

    Go for coffee- nothing special and most likely you will be under budget. Maybe grab an ice cream and go for a walk along the beach. Maybe go to a drive-in theatre, probably would cost for than $20 but maybe no more than $30. If you like art then consider going to an art gallery, not sure what the ticket prices are in your area. Petting zoos, animal sanctuaries are fun date ideas, you’d have to check for availability and costs. Maybe instead of going out for dinner, you could go out for dessert.

    Check out local events in your city you may enjoy like festivals. Maybe a festival isn’t a good first date but it may be good for future dates. Same things like hiking, or whatever- fun but not a good first date option. Other later date ideas include picnics, stargazing, bike rides and so on.

    Best of luck to you!

  4. What? I get that you’re saving up and all but a first date is like an investment into the person you’re going out with. It sounds like you really like her but at the same time you’re not willing to spend anything on her. I’m not saying you have to go over the top but, dude. You’re pretty much telling her she’s not worth it to you.

  5. Picnic with a playlist she might and some board games or card games you already have around, maybe. $20 obviously doesn’t get you much. My advice is to maybe go a bit outside of budget for a first date but explain during it you’re trying to save money to manage expectations for the second. You guys work at the same place so I imagine she’ll understand. Great first dates don’t have to be expensive but it’s hard to plan literally anything for 20 bucks where I live. Add one drink even to something cheap like Chinese food and you’re screwed.

  6. The money spending doesn’t stop after the first date. Couples continue to grow as they do activities together and if you’re counting how much you’ll spend to go pick her up it’ll be hard to continuously keep up on maintaining the relationship in the early stages. Dating can be costly.

  7. If you’re cheap on the first date, I wouldn’t count on a second date.

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