I’ve been wanting to ask out this girl who works at the pet store I go to regularly. I feel comfortable enough to just ask her, but I’m not sure if I should start by saying “I don’t know if you’re seeing anyone, but I’d love to go out sometime.” Or if I should just ask her if she wants to go out, without including the idk if you’re seeing anyone part. Does that come across as timid and unsure, or does it show consideration? Does it show more confidence by just taking the chance and her possibly saying “sorry I have a bf/gf” or whatever? I’m probably overthinking it a bit, but I would like to put my best foot forward.

  1. Have you had any prior conversation with her? General small talk? It’s hard to get someone interested in you if you haven’t ever talked to them, not impossible, but not easy so if you haven’t already made small talk with her and flirted, it might be awkward. If you have, write your number down on a piece of paper and say “I think you’re a really cool person and I would love to get to know you better. If you’re interested in going out on a DATE here’s my number”. Make sure you use date so the intention is clear. It’s awkward being asked out at your job because you have to be nice to customers, giving her your number instead makes things less scary for her and if she rejects you it will be more private.

  2. Don’t listen to that sequtacot chick she’s a hypocrite and a dumbass. It’s real simple bro, go up to her in private and tell her how you feel and ask her on a date if u get rejected then that’s ok. It’s gonna hurt but that’s life

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