how to motivate yourself to lose weight

It was a systemic review on motivations to lose weight. So they looked at a lot of different studies on what it was that people said, it motivated them to lose weight. – So they kind of culminated the, into a, a list of the most common and most successful.

– And obviously it would vary a lot, depending on if you’re male or female and if you’re old versus young. Which is funny, I always said– I used to ask staff this as a fun question, if you could be 10%, something better, what would you be? Would you want to be 10% smarter, 10% healthier? And all the older people said 10% healthier.

I mean, and I was young at the time like, what? Don’t you want to be 10% smarter? (laughing) But anyway, so, these are some of the common reasons. Especially for women, their appearance, they want to able to fit in their clothes, again or fit in the clothes they haven’t for a while, so.

## how to motivate yourself to lose weight

Number two and this was bigger for men, was health and fitness. They were more concerned about their health, especially if they had something like diabetes or you know a high BMI, which we all do, I think.

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