Men when was a time you got baby fever? Do men even get baby fever?

  1. One time on a trip deep in the jungle when likely bitten by some sort of mutated mosquito.

  2. Never. Actually broke up with my ex over this, bcs she thought that we could fix our massive communication problems with a kid, which I found to be a terrible idea. I‘d rather have no children at all than throw kids into a dysfunctional relationship.

  3. I have never ever. People always tell me I’ll change my mind but the more time I spend with kids, the more confident I feel in my decision. This doesn’t mean I hate kids by any stretch, but I know I wouldn’t enjoy being a parent to them.

  4. I’ve never had baby fever. I’ve had puppy fever though. And one time I got baby goat fever.

  5. Breeding has always been my biggest kink. But its purely sexual. I want to get a girl pregnant so bad I had to get a vasectomy just to make sure I wouldn’t ruin my life because of it. I don’t want kids. I just find the idea of knocking up a girl hot as fuck. Thankfully there are a LOT of girls with breeding kinks who love that I’m sterile so now I get to have all the fun I want without consequences.

  6. I don’t think that the powerful urge to fuck my partner pregnant is the same thing as baby fever, no, as it’s not really about the end result so much as the process.

    I want kids, sure, but the only powerful, visceral urges have to do with making the baby, not having the baby already made and out and about.

    At least as baby fever has been described to me, no woman is thinking about her man filling her womb with his seed, she’s just thinking about having a fully formed baby.

  7. I don’t think men really get it. It’s a woman thing.

    Unless you’re a king and need an heir.

  8. Now and since about 2 years. I want children but there are some finacial aspects my SO (28) and me (32) need to take care first…

  9. I’m not what I would call it but for me I do have a drive to have kids and it seems to have gotten more pronounced over the past few years.

  10. I’ve always loved kids tbh and especially babies. There’s something about making them laugh that makes life more bearable. I actually would babysit when I was younger for the neighbors, and I would volunteer with my SO at church to watch the kids. My wife loves that I loved kids so much and she had no worries about me being a dad when the time came. It helps that imma big kid at heart so it’s easier to relate and it’s just fun

  11. All the fucking time.

    I already have a kid, he’s a teenager, I’m basically done with the child-rearing game…. but I still want more kids *all-the-fucking-time*.

    It’s annoying as shit, because I don’t *actually* want any more kids. My brain just thinks I do.

    All the fucking time.

  12. For a long time I wanted to be a father but after a bad Ex experience and inner thoughts I came to the conclusion and I do mean that Conclusion that I don’t want kids anymore nor do I have the mental capacity to be a father. Plus kids are stupid expensive right now I’d go bankrupt if I did want them.

  13. Yeah, my baby passed it to me , little fucker. Got sick for a week ;( pray for me

  14. My first gf because we looked so beautiful together as well as the way we got along.

    Also this smoking hot 22 year old from last fall because she was beautiful,rich and had power.

  15. I always wanted to be a dad, but there was never a “fever” moment. In fact I kinda had to talk myself around to the specific timing.

  16. No. It doesn’t happen. Ever.

    We do not have a biological clock so our ability to have children doesn’t collapse by the age of 35.

  17. My girlfriend was holding her sister’s recently born baby. I saw how she looked in her eyes, the pure happiness and joy as she looked at her new nephew.

    I’ve been working on my career and getting my own life situated financially and health-wise, but if i do end up marrying this woman if it goes as well as it has been going, i want a kid with *her*. I have never wanted that with any woman but her though.

    Never even *considered* it with anyone but her actually.

    If it does come to that, I hope the kid gets her beautiful green eyes as well.

  18. Oh.

    When I realized I could not live the rest of my life without her. The idea of creating something, another life, with her that was a part of both of us was irresestible. I’m the one that brought that up, too..and every time our guys walk thru the door it sends goosies up my spine, still.

  19. I’ve had it since my 20s and I’m 32 now. I don’t know if it will ever happen though.

  20. The closest I think I’ve gotten is some FOMO, like thinking it might be nice to have a family and eventually watch them start their own families. I don’t ever see babies and feel like I need one though, if that’s what you’re referring to.

  21. I want to make babies all the time. Had one then the wife got cancer and seemingly became infertile. Get the fun of trying though.

  22. I’m in nursing school and seeing a birth and the babies right after or taking care of a baby that’s a few days old changes you. After holding a baby for the first time it was game over I wanted a baby so badly and still do. Should probably find a girl first XD

  23. My SO’s best mate since school had baby fever *bad*, all through his 20’s. His wife wasn’t ready initially so she made him wait several years before she was ready to get pregnant.

  24. Never. I’ve never wanted bio-kids and I got snipped a few years ago. Haven’t regretted it for a moment.

  25. Not really baby fever but I remember when my brain sort of flipped a switch on and thought, Okay, having a baby or two wouldn’t be bad thing. It had A LOT to do with the woman in my life at the time……..and who is still in my life. I was around age 31at the time.

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