Personally, I have never had any interest in popular music. I always listen to the bands that go under the radar, that very few even know of.

  1. Politics, having many followers or the newest phone and all those things my generation feels a need to support like lgbtq. I’m not homophobic I just couldn’t care less who you fuck with

  2. Careers. I want to find the least annoying way to earn enough money to not miss anything. Currently doing well in that regard, and I feel absolutely zero desire for improved pay at the cost of more responsibility, stress and potential overtime.

    I live in the countryside many hours from the closest town and work 7,5 hours a day including paid lunch with a flexible schedule at a small office 500 m from my home, with a boss who mostly lets me manage my own time. Not even a doubling of my salary could make me want to move to town to spend 2 hours a day commuting with public transport to some dreadful city office only to spend my evenings dead tired in a miserable tiny flat.

  3. Good/cool ?) clothes. aka I’m wearing everything 5+ years until a it has holes in it and I hate shopping + I have no fashion sense

  4. getting attention from online guys, sports, cars, splurging on clothes which i already have etc

  5. Social media other than reddit.

    The idea of reopening Facebook, instagram, snapchat or any other, newer version of that cancer is unthinkable. Unfettered bullshit that amounts to commercialised misinformation has literally destroyed the minds of about half of Americans and it’s fucking up the rest of the world pretty good too.

  6. Stranger Things. I tried watching a couple episodes but got bored. A lot of popular Netflix originals I’m kinda meh on.

  7. Elden Ring. My potna brings it over to play and it’s challenging and all. It’s fun but I wouldn’t buy it. Idk I just aint into it like everybody else is.

  8. TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Tinder, Kpop, Top Gun, Bitcoin and other crypto

  9. Games of Thrones
    I’m sure it’s great but I’m also sure I ain’t watch it

  10. Football

    Many awkward situations with people who literally have nothing else to talk about lol

  11. Golf, baseball, soccer, collecting sneakers, country music, Fortnite, drinking alcohol in the middle of the day….

  12. Social media. Promiscuity and hookup culture. Living beyond my means and buying everything on tick. Alchohol. Elden Ring/Dark Souls in general.

  13. “celebrities” like why does anyone care about them, I don’t get it

  14. Hanging out in big groups or in loud places.

    Give me a small group where we can actually hear each other talking.

  15. Let’s see what all’s on that list.





    Fortnite if that’s still popular

    Any Marvel series, I ran out of fucks after Endgame

    And that’s pretty much all I can think of right off the top of my head.

  16. You guys aren’t going to like this, but Gaming. I work in IT and I’m basically a pariah for not being into it. I imagine this is how some of you feel in an office when they talk about football.

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